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  1. tyc

    muh wrists

    Anyone ever have trouble keeping wrists straight when hitting bag? Sometimes form really fucks up. Also a few times in winter was doing fist pushups and the snow slid a bit and my wrist buckled again too, fell right on it but didn't break anything. Happened a couple times.
  2. tyc

    Jews BC seem less degen than Jews AD

    wtf is up with how rabbinites changed genital cutting between 100ad and 600ad, srsly you go from a tiny little nick (milah) which at the worst probably just disconnects ridged band to prevent phimosis to just ripping EVERYTHING off (priya) and then needing to get the suction (metzitza) to...
  3. tyc

    where should users apply for EDitor status?

    It appears editing is restricted to at least holding this group. When you register there are no instructions for how to apply for it. I wanted to create based on GR's thread.
  4. tyc

    why did jews switch from skinning 10% of baby dicks to 90% of baby dicks? Why don't they switch back? this would mean smaller % of dick in mohel mouth

    This has to do with the removal of the epithelium, also known as the preputial mucosa or "inner mucosa" Apparently they argue it's removal stops HIV or something However I don't think it would matter whether your cock is...
  5. tyc

    who will cash in MITB : Miz or Morrison / who will it be against: Reigns or McIntyre?

    It also occurs to me that Orton is owed a rematch clause so if it by miracle is not cashed in during Survivor Series then I guess if Orton won it back he might be targeted just like the last time Miz cashed in back when A-Ri was his rookie HUSKUS
  6. tyc

    meta inquiry - what happened to all the old forum data?

    it's like the old threads / user profiles were lost in the transition to this new place somehow?
  7. tyc

    why don't they leave Drake alone? makes some big deal out of kissing a seventeen year old, I don't really understand the fuss.
  8. tyc

    tributes to classic art done using modern fictional characters

    I think it's a cool concept.
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