
  1. SamIsGoingToKillYou

    Sick shit on Pixiv (Degenerately Thread)

    I like to go to this site for the most FUCKED shit for humanity.
  2. lulziez

    lulziez MS Paint ART

    hi i got a pc now and i love ms paint i am doing requests pls tell me what to draw next my very first creation requested by @GirlOnInternet me as a baby requested by @kaizen drawing of @kaizen bunny whos arms were blown off in the war
  3. feminist jazz hands

    Art that you actually like

    I'll start this off with some solid nightmare fuel by Zdzisław Beksiński! :)
  4. Branman65

    Request thread

    You tell me what to draw.
  5. CrackRabbit

    Psychedelic Artwork/images thread

    This is a thread for posting Psychedelic art, psychedelic images, psychedelic album covers and stuff (pictures) along those lines. I'll start:
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