viril is a fag

  1. Dildo Baggins

    The Final Solution to the Kiwi Question

    My friends, we can no longer ignore the faggotry that will be on our doorsteps sooner rather than later. Perhapse not today, perhapse not by next month, perhapse not within the rest of the year or in a years time, but eventually it will happen. The current iteration and leadership of kiwi-farms...
  2. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    I really am just a fuckin dumbass.

    I just want to settle this here and now. I'm very sorry for what I did with @Moonrunes. I don't know why I though that was ok, and I apparently was too fucking retarded and caught up in my little master place to see that what I was doing was incredibly fucking dumb. I wanted to get a user who's...
  3. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    Badge Suggestion thread

    A thread for suggesting badges. Probably gotta be at most 200 tall or wide, and that's as far as they're gonna go sizewise
  4. ZZZandeRRR

    3ebop is a pedo (possibly)

    I got a hunch that 3ebop is a child predator. I'll try and list the evidence I've collected so far. -sent a shirtless pic on Snapchat to a girl I know (she's the same age as me) -was flirting with this same girl -she's always looked up to him and I think he's taking advantage of this I'm...
  5. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    This guy from livejournal wrote a poem about being raped

    It's old news but I don't give a shit. <====== this is the rape guy and this is his poem being read on Leigon of Skanks.
  6. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    David Dees Appreciation Thread

    All you faggots may like Gayniggers like stonetoss or Ben garrison, but there is only one man who is the true king of political comics, and that's fuckin David Dees.
  7. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    Call me Tim is Baya

    PROVE IT WRONG, IF YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
  8. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    Chuj is gulaged

    @mitzi why did u do it you cunt?
  9. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    I knew this guy...

    He played football down in Kansas City... Terrible tight end buy GREAT wide receiver... His name was Kirk Johnson.
  10. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    The EDF6 article is growing into a pile of shit (WARNING: AUTISTIC WIKI SHIT)

    @MarioMario456 and @Glitchedblood clearly don't know how to make the article funny. Even if what I was doing to the article before the deleting didn't turn out to be funny, I AT LEAST TRIED TO MAKE IT FUNNY!!! Those two miranigger mutts haven't put a goddamn lick of funny in the part of the...
  11. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    How2greentext liek a pro

    Put this in the color hex, #789922 >and there you have it :^D
  12. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    Negative XP is gay as fuck

    @FBIAgent; pleez back me up on this... All his music is just emo crap for chantards and redditfags.
  13. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    Pantera Reunion.

    Thoughts... @Raddy @burninghell
  14. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    MoonieRunez Conspiracy

    @Moonrunes is just @aediot's younger brother. Aediot's giving him a couple hundred bucks of his child porn money to have him fuck with us, and be a general nuisance. Fuckin retard couldn't've sent a better faggot?
  15. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    Please fix the tag "Likeicare has a 3 inch penis"

    You left out another 3 on that.
  16. GirlOnInternet

    The Final Solution to the Viril Question?

    I managed to get viril to block ME for like half an hour last night. The trick to getting rid of him is to respond to him with shit, gore and videos of people fucking animals. If everyone on EDF and EDD were to respond to this cunt with gross images then I wonder how long he'd actually be...
  17. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    Where the hell is Mr. Jonnz?

    He was on .wiki as mj3.0; How come he hasn't come back yet?
  18. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    Undelete the kevin mann article.

    Aediot wasn't even that much of a pussy to delete the article @.umk. Don't be a pussy; Don't cave to bald manlet retards on twitter. Let lulz reign Supreme.
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