Is Andrew Tate CIA?


Jan 24, 2023
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I don't care either. I'm against democracy and in favor of fascism because democracy doesn't work with retarded people
You should know by now that I'm a German Nazi faggot and that I'm outside of the dome in our polar base behind the ice wall.
If you would even be capable of doing something we would just wipe the thing again like every few thousand years.
It's just my job to mess with your minds working at the "Nazi Ministerium für psycholgosiche Kriegsführung" Abteilung "Desinformation".
Same thing different faggots


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Jul 28, 2020
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You misunderstand

Its a useless language because its only spoken in several countries, and their english is going to be better than my german
this is why nobody here learns French, it has no international relevance and most of the French people here already speak English.


May 26, 2020
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I think everyone trying to gather around a bunch of lemmings around them in a very professional manner is a fed, those who are not get deplatformed and buried by the social media algos.
Oct 5, 2021
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Tate, half nigger, half positive motivational scammer is treanding all over the internet.

His schtick is poking at the jew's various agendas, but like so many other 'mock opposition' to the jew, he fails to mention the culprits by name, instead he calls them, 'the matrix'.

It's very creative how the jew pulls these actors out of it's ass and then throws them down as a red herring or a Pied Piper to lure away young men from the real enemy that destroys them.

What's your opinion?
Oct 5, 2021
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IMO the incarceration was all about the Romanian police squeezing a couple million out of the Tates. Romanian is firmly under jew control and many of the Whites there are criminally inclined making it easy for civil rights abuses to take place.

I've come down hard on the Tates because they are not White and they don't specifically call out the jew. However, they do try to dismantle and expose a part of the jew's agenda that's been disenfranchising and emotionally crippling White men. That's worth something to us.

When the Tates relocate to Dubai or some other Islamic Nation and re-engage with their so-called matrix-bashing on social media.......we can be there in the comments sections making the connection for their audience between the matrix and the jew.
Oct 5, 2021
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The jew is an expert at creating mock opposition.

These people are all screened and selected the same way movie actors are, that's because they're essentially the same thing. And we've been trained to use the jew-approved words to describe them which keeps us from seeing their real purpose. We call them actors, politicians, pundits, commentators, celebrities, athletes, musicians etc.
When in fact they're all one gigantic group of jew-tools whose ultimate purpose is to keep us from seeing the jew.

In the tool selection process, the jew is careful to pick only those people with serious character weaknesses. Easily extorted. Easily bought. They look for charismatic sociopaths with the ability to shamelessly lie. In the case of sports athletes, they really don't care about the tool's ability to lie, but only their ability to attract those most loathsome of the lemmings, the sports fan. Then the jew will slip in filth at the halftime show and commercials.

The mock opposition is akin to the red herring. A diversion. A squid spewing ink. Anything to keep critical eyes off the jew.

So many Whites are derailed in their journey to becoming truly racially aware by this trick of the jew.

With great skepticism, cynicism and a 'guilty until proven innocent' attitude is the way to cut through the jew's bullshit and see it for what it is.
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