Samurai Jack was a critically acclaimed, universally beloved show that was ruined with the introduction if a female protagonist.

Oct 6, 2021
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I thought Ashi was ok till she started using Aku's powers
She shouldve stayed a villain until the very last battle. Season 5 should have been about Ashi wandering the world while hunting down Jack, ignorant and naive to everything since she lived in total isolation until then, creating a perfect parralell to Jacks initial experience in a new world 50 years ago, coming across the communities hes helped saved, and like Jack, she would befriend people and overtime realize Jack is actually a force of good and not evil. Then, at the final battle, watching Aku slaughter thousands of innocent people she considers friends, it would open her eyes to the evil that is Aku, and together with Jack, they would vanquish Aku. Jack, after defeating Aku, wed have an epilogue about the future being at peace and in the last scene, Jack would then return to the Gaurdians portal, look back on all his friends waving him goodbye, and he slowly walks into it, dissapearing, and cutting to black with a "WACHA!" from the original intro song. and without actually showing it, imply that he defeats Aku in the past, restores his honor and village, and lives hive life in peace.

The show would have worked better if they just straight up made Ashi a solo protagonist for a few episodes without Jack.

There, it took me 5 minutes to conceptualize a more cohesuve, satisfying season 5 that gives fans everything they want while still leaving us with a open conclusion. The perfect send off to the Samurai whos adventure never really ends. Instead we got some hamfisted shitty love fan fic. What the fuck happened, Genndy.
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