Weedstorming - Hellscapes


Apr 27, 2021
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Clunky nav/chapter list...

Political Pyres - Darkest Brandon
Political Pyres - Merrick Garland's Future Burns Bright
Reflecting On Yourself Forever
Black And White - Part Black
Time Trap - The Unassuming Elevator
The Differential Physics Of Immortal Existence
Permaquakes And Temporal Recursive Memories
Mad Human Disease
Artificial Human Life

Many, many more to add. Just trying to get some stuff organized a bit for book making.

It suddenly occurred to me... I don't think I made a bookmark for "Part White"... which means I'm gonna have to manually dig through thousands of posts looking for it. Le sigh.

Permaquakes is largely lacking, it can be expanded a lot more I think. I also might separate the recursive memories bit and combine it with some other mental mindfucks to produce a separate story. Like that really creepy one I did about how you're not really you, but rather your subconscious runs your body and just tricks your perception into thinking it's in control, when in reality you're never anything more than a slave to a hidden layer of perception that operates faster than yours.

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Apr 27, 2021
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Political Pyres
Darkest Brandon

I can imagine into Joe Biden's future... and it is indeed VERY dark.

Let's riff off the last bit of "Strawberry Diesel" and see what my mind can manufacture.

*vapes into a coughing fit*


*tokes further on into infinity*

3... 2... 1... *thinky blinky*

*accessing autonomous creation controls*

Oh shi- when is this? It looks like the White House. I can tell it's fabricated reality though because it's too real. It's like, if you look at something really up close you can see a lot of VERY fine, random details like dust, cracks, dents, marks... overly detailed imperfection.

This... place... wherever this is... you can see overly detailed imperfection from far away.

It's like wearing a pair of glasses that artificially over sharpen everything you look at. The colors also don't seem natural... they're too vibrant, like the color is emitting its own artificial light rather than being reflected from anything.

I can see Joe Biden! He's uh... he's just wandering around... oh shi- he just shot himself in the head.

Oh, oh no... no he's getting back up! That's... weird. He's wandering around again... maybe I should go check on hi- oh, he just shot himself in the head again.

Huh... that's, oh, no he's up again! Oh, yikes... it's like he's suicidal but immortal... combined with senility he keeps forgetting that he killed himself, so then he keeps trying to kill himself. I don't think he realizes he's immortal... or the fact that he's not actually holding a real gun.

It looks like a phone, but a bullet is somehow firing out of the screen, into reality and then blowing his brains out.

There's no recursion at all, his brains aren't like growing back into his body rather they're simply "instanced"... meaning he's just alive again, but the bloody aftermath of what he did is still... look, did I not mention that this place looks like the elevator scene from The Shining? Cause... well, it's not exactly a white, White House... it's... uh... covered in uck.

How many times has he blown his brains out I wonder?

I think we're in a monument.

No, no, not like your version of that. In the future they create these temporal dioramas. They're like pocket dimensions than run off artificial time so they feature all kinds of weird, aberrant temporal effects in these kind of closed-reality loops.

It's like creating macro snow globes. Like an artificial exo-moon but one that features its own custom temporal mechanics.

They litter them about in our "Goldilocks Zone" and you can visit these "artistic recreations of the past".

Some of them are hellscapes, but like... artistic hellscapes. So it's like a version of the future that puts people into hell for art rather than justice.

And you can "visit" these artsy hellscapes.


Apparently this one resurrected a direct continuation of a "bad day".

Look, you know how there's more than you? Like, there's the you from last week, last year, last decade... there's LOTS of different iterations of you... every single last one could be shunted into a psychoreactive hellstate. You could potentially experience some version of hell from every moment of your life if the future gets especially nutty.

They could even network them, so you'd be forced to experience every iteration of yourself in every possible permutation of hell simultaneously. Artificial inflicted multiversal hell. It's like they turn you into an artificial higher dimensional sentience... one designed only to experience eternal, infinite hell.


Apparently I don't need to make it darker, you're all doing a bang up job of that all on your own! :D

So this version of Joe Biden just shoots himself... forever... I guess they don't "clean up" the mess on purpose... like that's a part of the "art"... the ever growing accumulation of the blood on Joe Biden's hands.

There's another version though where he's putting eye drops in his eyes... except it's acid and not eye drops. And for some reason the acid doesn't blind him, rather it makes him not breath and it feels like his entire body is being saturated in acid.

Like, just to the point of ~almost~ total suffocation... but then it lets up and he can breath. He gasps for breath for a minute, regains his composure and then douses himself into acidic suffocation again.

There's versions of him all over the place... all over this White House hellscape... I think from every day of his presidency... hundreds of temporal clones, all caught in endless hellstate loops controlled with some kind of regulated artificial dementia.

Oh, the monument in total ~is~ him... it's his collective temporal reamalgamation. He essentially exists as a giant mind with an artificial exo-moon for a body floating endlessly through space who experiences nothing but the collective hellstates of the hundreds of temporal clones he's infested with. Like hell fleas ceaselessly biting into his perception with multistate suffering. Customized collective hellstates. Why simply put these people in hell when you can make their hell into ART!

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Apr 27, 2021
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Political Pyres
Merrick Garland's Future Burns Bright

One might inquire to know, "Where are the politically damned put to pasture after their assumed end point in our reality field?"

Take Merrick Garland, the US attorney attorney general who politically persecuted innocent Americans for political points. He might be be interested to know exactly what the future does with his soul.

*takes a long toke into it*

It's a real bitch not having any temporal privacy rights. Not like I haven't been repeatedly warning the government on the topic.

It's no bother for me of course, it means I have power.

More power than any human has ever touched outside of Biblical intervention. Oh wait... well, I guess there was Marx... but he only kills you. Quit rapidly I might add! Even after death!

That's the fun trick about writers like me, we don't even need to be alive to actively influence and alter your entire sense of reality. Marx is like... people poison... me... I'm the thing they use to write your hellstate sentencing with.

What... did you think your species would use time tech for like... fun adventures? LOL You just keep doing the same stupid shit you're already doing! Except, the crabs in a bucket, in the future... well there aren't any statues around... but that's okay, tearing down your ability to functionally die and sentencing you to physical hell on earth in a psychoreactive prison for the entirety of physical reality itself is ALWAYS an option... they just need the tech.

Did you know the technology of the future self-evolves? No, seriously, it just needs time. You "grow" technology. It's like planting a seed processor that uses little nano machines to harvest materials from the immediate environment and then it uses those materials to improve upon itself... like a 486 processor slowly growing itself into a Core i9 and beyond.

It's not magic and it's not instant, everything has to contend with physical laws that offer active impedance to overcome, even in the microverse... but it's still very cool!

Your mind of course can be "seeded" in such a way. There's always little hang ups, little "problems" that prevent terrible people from truly understanding or comprehending how terrible they really are.

So, you see the first step is repairing your perception... with artificial perception.

How does that process work? Well, you don't just get "processed" into hell... they have to "clean you up" first, so to speak. The, uh... the "easiest" method for that... well you see they put you into a "cleaning" psychoreactive moralizer.

How does that work?

Well, the system perceptually identifies whatever it is you love... sometimes that's just you. It creates these "doppelgangers" and you both feel the same shit.

So then, the temporal scan sats of course, they scan through time and space in order to functionally extrapolate all the hurt and hate and suffering and death that your existence caused in your lifetime.

You are then forced to relive it! Only, the victims are all doppelgangers of yourself... and everything you do that inflicts harm... you get to feel it in yourself!

You get to "understand" the course of your actions on earth! You experience first hand exactly how evil you really are.

That's your "cleansing".

You see... hell works best when you're EAGER to get yourself into it.

It's more "humane" that way, you see. It's not like they're simply putting people into hell, no they're helping you to truly see yourself... on a higher dimensional level... and then you simply... operate accordingly.

Imagine a fire... now imagine that every time you see that fire... you are insatiably, impulsively, addictively driven to putting yourself into it.

You see... if you're "important" in your physical life, that is, if you make historical waves... well, sometimes you're allowed back in future society... in the form of a temporal regenerative clone.

Except future society is filled with giant pillars of fire instead of statues... and those like Garland, well, after his mental "cleansing", he'll be insatiably driven to occupying those pillars for punishment.

He'll enjoy prostrating himself in endless pain and suffering torment for all of physical reality to inspire themselves to be better!

Truly... the "statues" of the future stand so bright before us, their eternal screaming agony inspires us to better ourselves at every moment possible!


Remember, I can always make it darker.


Apr 27, 2021
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Reflecting On Yourself Forever

*gets high*

Did you know there's a version of hell where your perception is split apart in such a way that it creates a hyper-crazed version of yourself that is ceaselessly driven to stabbing you... except, the trick is... they're both you.

You eventually turn into the version of yourself relentlessly stabbing yourself after it finally drives you crazy... and you manage to kill the version trying to kill you... finally... but it doesn't work... they're still alive... they're still alive, oh gawd the thing that won't stop trying to stab you is still alive, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, you scream in your head as you stab into the madness of yourself over and over, ceaselessly and fruitlessly trying to stab yourself into submission.

The other side of you, already insane, now on the receiving end of the stabbing abuse, now mentally destroyed by the realization that you were the very cause of your own insanity.

Combined with the unrelenting pain and suffering the abuser becomes the abused, finally reaching a point of perceptual death... except... you can't die... so it's like your memory resets and... guess what?

You get to be stabbed into insanity over the course of several thousand years... or maybe several million... the time really isn't important... it's not like you'll be counting the cycles... you won't even remember them... you see infinity isn't always a continuation... sometimes it's just... a loop of hell.


Apr 27, 2021
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Black And White
Part Black

Imagine a future controlled entirely by leftist degenerates which cause society to implode into a state of willful idiocy, where mankind has devolved into a state of perpetual arrested development.

This eventually leads to catastrophic resource collapse and very basic things suddenly become luxury items. As a result tribalism kicks into high gear and the various "progressive" factions begin to attack each other for gain, like crabs in a bucket. This eventually leads to low IQ blacks taking over on a platform of inflicting "white guilt", both as a means of increasing suicide rates to reduce the population and as a means of forcing everyone to give them abject control as a matter of "reparations" or what not.

In a world ruled by lies it's the best liars that win.

The lying low IQ black supremacists then take over and force whites to subjugate themselves entirely. Eventually things devolve out of control when IQ is considered an "unjust privilege", leading the low IQ blacks to enact laws forcing white babies to be hit over the head with a brick, to ensure they're as disadvantaged as the low IQ blacks. Meanwhile the few average and high IQ blacks are killed off by the greater low IQ masses for attempting to intervene and retake control... their numbers are just too small to matter at that point.

This in turn leads to a society of outright psychopathic retards... who are eventually taken over by Chinese... but then the Chinese have no one left to steal from and not enough freedom to breed any new innovation or industry, in turn leading to mankind's second dark age. Its darkest age. The black age.


Apr 27, 2021
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Time Trap
The Unassuming Elevator

It's 2:30 in the morning... and the only thing I have to vape at the moment is... CBD... with THC... really high of both... but doesn't the CBD mitigate most of the THC effects... mmm... hrmmm...

*vapes more*

Nope... apparently I can get high off this... not a very strong high... it's missing the... what do you call that... uh... that thing you call paranoia.

Agitation? Uh... no, uh... what the hell is the name of that? It's not stress. It's, uh... anxiety!

I think that's what it's called... the thing I use to mix with... uh... yeah this doesn't work right.

I feel kinda mellow, but... mmm... bored.

It's like I'm waiting on an elevator for a high that never goes past the first floor.

Good evening, sir! Would like to board this elevator to nowhere?

You get in and then... that's it... literally.

You're just... stuck in an elevator... stuck in time... forever.

There's nothing to do and nothing that can be done.

You do not feel hunger, nor thirst, the second you stepped into the elevator only your mind remained, merely giving you the illusion of physical form.

Because you did not actually die or experience any form of trauma... your soul simply remains trapped... inside the crazy box.


You know you're dead... it's not like it's a shock.

You know there's nowhere to go and nothing to do.

Except go crazy.

That's the only thing you can do inside such a box.

So that must be what it was designed to do... but why make a soul crazy?

After some time... you start to wonder about it... time... since it doesn't really seem to exist... the only time that can exist is the intervals between your thoughts... 1, 2, 3, 4... you think to yourself, but then you realize... how do you know how much time is happening between your counts... after all, isn't your thought restricted by your physical body... the one you forgot you had instead of actually dying from it.

Then, suddenly you realize... the speed of your thinking shouldn't be restricted by anything, the speed should be effectively infinite... like running a NES emulator at full throttle on a modern processor while you have the game on pause.

But that means you could likely experience all time in no time. So you could count to a billion and... not even one single second would have actually passed. You're trapped in a single moment of time forever and the only thing there is to do... is go crazy. The time it takes for you to lose your mind in the absence of time is the shortest interval of time that can be measured.

Literally. That was the point of this time trap; to create an effective measurement for the smallest unit of time.

The price of that research was hell.

How many people will be subjected to artificial hell for science?


Apr 27, 2021
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The Differential Physics Of Immortal Existence

*imbues imagination with burning bud*

3... 2... 1... *thinky blinky*

*accessing autonomous creation controls*

There are these spiders... that have glowing webs! Also, instead of trying to get their prey stuck, the webs have a poison that paralyzes any insect that touches it.

They look, um... backwards. Like their head is the largest part of their body and they actually chew and eat their prey.

They have 8 legs but they actually only use 4 at a time, basically it can flip itself over and has another set of legs! So like if its legs get tired, it just flips over and it has a rested set of legs to run on!

It also has eyes on both sides of it's body so it can see behind itself and it can use the resting legs as defense to grab/stick the attacker. Grappling it down into BITING convenience! D:

Where do these horrible things live? The ground is very pale purple, there are no oceans, but many lakes... lakes everywhere! But they're not filled with water exactly... it's some kind of liquid energy, some of kind of fluorescent plasma... the atmosphere here is dense enough to create abject states of matter. Their sky is all white... like it's just one giant, endless cloud!

Normally everything would be dark... but the plasma lakes generate light and it bounces off the endless interior cloud cover and make it seem like it's constantly daytime.

This may be a gas planet... or semi-gas planet... the dirt isn't just a weird color it's pliable like mud, but it doesn't stick to anything but itself and it feels like silky dirt, like Indian Sand... feels like a living cartoon! D:

I guess maybe the pressure/gravity breaks all the rock down into very, VERY fine particles and then because of the pressure/gravity it bonds together better.

There are... trees. That is probably not the right... um... look, they're bones.

There are... there are bones growing out of the ground... like trees... they're almost like petrified trees that are living... they don't have leaves tho... apparently they rely on the spiders to make nests in them. They make them in such a way that it looks like a giant glowing silk flower growing out from a giant bone stem.

Apparently the spiders poop on them and it fertilizes them.

The insects are... indescribably horrible! There's this one... it has like a retractable sticky shooter harpoon... AND IT FLIES! Oh gawd its whole mouth is covered with retractable harpoon projectiles!

It's not like it's super huge... but imagine something with a mouth full of bee stingers and they shoot out into their prey, snagging some flesh, and then instantly ripping it back towards their mouth and then they clean it off like a fly down into their mouth, so it's like they're eating the insect equivalent of raw hamburger... raw insectburger.

Okay, I like the spiders significantly more now.

Oh I guess there is "night" of a sort... sometimes one of the lakes "discharges" in such a way that it creates a temporary EMP field that prevents the normal interaction of energy and thus whole sections "go dark"... also, this is the only time you can drink the water without getting electro-barbecued.

I mean, not that you'd want to, as a human, cause it'd be insanely toxic, but like... to the critters that live here, they can drink in the dark... it's only ever safe to drink in the dark. Never drink in the light or you'll die! D:

This place sucks! Is there no tech to loot? The entire planet reminds me of a vacant 70s era department store.

Maybe it's some form of hell? *walks around for a bit*

Wait, what's that crunching?

Oh... there's teeny tiny human skeletons... I guess the insects feed on insect sized humans... I guess the pressure shrinks them down... if this is a hellscape, then your perception can be made to suffer beyond reality!

So normally the high gravity/pressure of this planet would just kill a human... but the system doesn't let them die... no matter what.

So they just get forcibly shrunken down, becoming smaller and smaller. They might get eaten... their whole body could be destroyed... but it's virtual perception, so you can be given a new body immediately after the old one dies!

The virtual dead here instantly give "birth" to a living doppelganger of themselves... which is great for the insects I mentioned earlier! Because they have an endless supply of self-recycling food! They'll just slowly harpoon all the flesh off your body until you die and wind up reformed into a new tasty snack!

Apparently the spiders are immortal, so they don't actually reproduce at all.

You don't want to know how the insects reproduce! D:

Remember... I can always make this darker!


Apr 27, 2021
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Permaquakes And Temporal Recursive Memories

You know what's weird about people... they have their own seismo. I mean you can't feel it, can you? The earthquakes. There's earthquakes all the time, but your body is seemingly designed not to notice... except when it's not normal, when it's not what you're used to then you get like sea sickness and air sickness and other forms of motion sickness. I wonder how badly you'd all freak out if suddenly all the tectonic plates started vibrating slightly more. I don't even mean cataclysmic quakes, but just like... if the entire planet was suddenly a 4.0 on the richter scale.

I don't mean just like for a few minutes or even hours... or days. Hell, maybe the whole earth will start vibrating more for the next... 20... 30... million years.

I wonder how long it would take your evolution to "catch up" to the point where you'd stop noticing again... imagine being born into that kind of... oh, that could be problematic... like shaken baby syndrome. It could scramble our brains and make us all like animals... again, I mean.

Obviously we were at one point, but then we started eating burned fruit and all the extra free radicals damaged our brains, to the point where flies seem to be moving at super human speed... seriously, flies.

Flies are faster than you.

That should greatly alarm you.

Because that thing you call "sentience"... it's actually mental retardation. You're "slow" enough to make you consider shit that you otherwise wouldn't. You only have the capacity to think because your brain is operating at sub-optimal. That's how I cheat using psychotropics, let's you realize the nature of comprehension itself and you can just... breeze along.

It's like that feeling you get when you "figure out" how to do some specific sort of math problem. I don't mean like, you muddle through the steps like you're following a recipe, but when you REALLY understand the nature of a math problem... what it's doing, how it works, what it can be used for and you can breeze right through it.

But did it ever occur to you that maybe learning isn't what you think? I mean, you have the capacity to access your memories... but why do you presume in only one temporal direction?

See, learning is actually "looking ahead"... its temporal cognition. Like I said, your active perception is slower than most of nature, but the effective hardware is still ~largely~ there... and you can access it, with modern sentient awareness!

When you do, you can "look ahead" of your own memories, so it's like newly perceived sensory stimuli is perceived as existing sensory stimuli, which gives you a sense of deja vu. These are actually temporal recursive memories. The flaw in your brain that causes this misstep is what actually allows you to reason. It tricks nature in a sense so that the effective equation can be forced to take its own usage into consideration. It's like artificial time travel happening inside your brain because your active cognition is damaged, while many of your subcognitive functions are still operating at normal speed.


Apr 27, 2021
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Uh oh... I think I wrote something perceptually horrifying...

That's um... hrmmm... what title should I give that?

Maybe just something simple? Like "Playing God"?

Or is that too simple?


Gay man
May 13, 2020
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Bitey, what would you write about if you weren’t constantly under the influence of drugs?

Also, do you ever experience the dreaded ‘scromiting’? It‘s also known as Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome


Apr 27, 2021
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I wrote a PART TWO...

It's good stuff I think. Should this go at the beginning or the end of the book?

Or split apart through it? Like break all the paragraphs apart and then put the hellscape stories inbetween.


Apr 27, 2021
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Mad Human Disease

That soylent green concept can be made so much darker.

Let's combine it with a little Swift and make a proposal using a little "modern modesty" if you will!

It's sort of like how in China they're suddenly so interested in pushing people to try and have babies.

While at the same time they keep giving them clot shots that are destined to produce millions or even BILLIONS of still births.

What do you suppose they're doing with all the dead baby parts?

It's possible that China is feeding its own purposefully stillborn infants to the masses while encouraging them to unwittingly participate under the delusion of "having a family"... when in reality they're forced to sacrifice their own family as food at a default for the benefit of the state. They exploit human hope as a means of turning humans into literal farm animals to feed to themselves... like remember how Mad Cow disease got started? They tried to feed the animals dead animals parts from their own species... forced cannibalism in farming practices.

You see, eventually they're likely to poison themselves from unknowingly eating themselves.

Likely in a way that will cause aberrant schizophrenia.

Meaning, all the people who are acting crazy... it might be a result of unwittingly eating dead baby meat that's been passed off as a "meat substitute"... meaning, "the soy" maybe be more like... "the soylent"... "the babies".

In order to try and make more money corporations started engineering incentives for reckless sex and all access abortions... but that produced a HUGE excess of dead babies... so then they started feeding the dead babies to themselves, to make even more money... cause why let all that dead flesh go to waste just to make money from exploiting addictive lust? Might as well put it to use!

So, you see... they ALL started doing it... they've BEEN doing it... for a LONG while now... and, uh... there's a good chance, even if you haven't completely lost your fuckin mind... you've probably eaten dead baby parts. They've probably been feeding them to you for a long time now.

Like, with Mad Cow disease... the practice that caused it... well, they didn't "notice" the disease until nearly two decades AFTER its practice.

How many dead babies do you think the government has forced you to eat?


Apr 27, 2021
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Artificial Human Life

Okay, let's get a good vibe going.

*elevates accordingly*

Have you ever thought to look beyond dystopia? I mean what could be worse than hell on earth?

Well take your "cyberpunk" genre. That's often pretty dystopian. What if that went bad?

What if humanity evolved into an artificial version of itself? The plasticization of the planet. Total biomolecular contamination.

You don't think about it, none of you do. You make stupid shit all the time with nano materials and you never even think twice to dump them right into the garbage. But those artificially created particles never existed in nature, not in any form, not at any time in history... and you're dumping the shit all over the planet, every day, thousands of metric tons of it!

It's getting into everything... every form of life... due to the size, it even affects the microverse and before long artificial protein sequences pollute every inch of planet.

They affect the biology and the evolution of every living thing.

Pretty soon you will discover plastic life forms on the planet. They'll be made of synthetic materials woven into their natural biological ones.

Hybrid life... trash life... think about the seagulls at dumps... our garbage is being converted into them... continuously! We are creating artificial, antithetical biomes all over the planet that never existed before.

If it gets too out of hand it's always possible that you might simply "Ice Nine" all of terrestrial biology to the point of creating a total extinction event. That would be a mercy.

There are worse outcomes. Once you realize the contamination and realize it's irreversible... you go all in!
Humanity's so called "genetic emancipation".

You start to rewrite reality wholesale... on a molecular level. You create an alternate space within your present reality and in that space... you uh... well you see, you're effectively replacing reality itself with artificially engineered reality.

So they don't even live in the same environment that you exist in... they don't even breath air!

So it continues... they keep replacing what's marginally inconvenient in their society with made up molecular bullshit simply for the sake of desperate pleasure addicts... trying to endlessly satiate the insatiable.

And they just keep at it! Until they eventually start using biosynthetics as augments and replacements within their own bodies.

Cyberpunk truly comes to fruition, born from product pollution, it's every bit the nightmare you've already imagined it to be.
But things can get so much worse!

I mean "the science" says... hey, obviously our stuff is *SO* much better than the original, natural, "real" thing... so why not simply replace it!?

They start marketing in terms of describing old world material as "low resolution product", inculcating an idolization of synthetic perfection in the masses.
And it works! They sell LOTS of product! All kinds of biosynthetic replacements hit the market and, it's true... they do "work better" than the originals... in a sense.

Of course, the industry can only expand so far and before long innovation sours into equivocation... for the sake of satiating GREED!

So one enterprising evil asshat will invariably think... why can't we replace ALL of it!? AS MUCH AS WE CAN SELL!


...at birth.


Your species is mechanically recreated over and over and over and over... nine months of natural growth, that's all the humanity you're allowed to have in the future. Everyone, everything, every form of life is all just a plastic zombie, a faint artificial echo of what life once was.

Human life effectively quarantined to only nine months of functional biological existence before it's removed, the brain snapped out of the skull and replaced with machines that keep the rest of the biology going in place of a brain which is replaced with an imitation AI construct.

The biology of the human body is then only used as an effective living dead lattice work upon which nano-particle replacements can be slowly grafted in as a means of replacing naturally produced muscle fibers with synthetic replicas for a more "variegated peoples"... it's like "diversity" for artificial organisms... wearing the corpse of the dead species they evolved out of as a means of trying to look "more natural" in Plastic Land.

Mostly it's to prevent the robots from going insane, because they essentially lie to them and convince them that they're really human and not just... wearing a dead baby's skin kept artificially alive and slowly grown into their imagined bodies.


Apr 27, 2021
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Bitey, what would you write about if you weren’t constantly under the influence of drugs?

Also, do you ever experience the dreaded ‘scromiting’? It‘s also known as Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
Do you ever NOT post anything that's completely retarded?

The only way to make my writing "happier" is with nostalgia and, sorry, all burned out of that!

Maybe some day I'll make enough money on books to buy my childhood homes back and then maybe my writing will make you less of a flustered faggot, but until then... this is what you're gettin!


Gay man
May 13, 2020
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Do you ever NOT post anything that's completely retarded?

The only way to make my writing "happier" is with nostalgia and, sorry, all burned out of that!

Maybe some day I'll make enough money on books to buy my childhood homes back and then maybe my writing will make you less of a flustered faggot, but until then... this is what you're gettin!
Interesting. Would you say that the drugs are now more of a mood stabilizer rather than producing euphoria or some other feel-good experience? IOW, due to longterm use, has your brain adjusted to the drugs so that being intoxicated by them is the new normal?


May 17, 2023
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Interesting. Would you say that the drugs are now more of a mood stabilizer rather than producing euphoria or some other feel-good experience? IOW, due to longterm use, has your brain adjusted to the drugs so that being intoxicated by them is the new normal?
In my opinion, anything done habitually will cause the feel-good experience to wither on the vine. It would be interesting to know when bitey first started. I've used them distinctly for mood stabilization after some wildness of my young adulthood. I became absolutely functional on k (stopped October 2020). You're hitting the same part of your brain every single time. The bell starts to not ring as much which causes the escalation to start.

For weed, someone who smokes the same strand over and over again, they can switch it up by getting another strain. This will hit the brain differently and cause you to get higher than you otherwise would have if you smoked the one you got used to. You chase that by trying to change it up all the time, but this too starts to wither. Same with edibles. Tolerances build.

I don't take weed too seriously anymore, but it was a physical addiction for me for real. Had to quit for more than a year after more than a decade straight and the first month was brutal. I had unbelievably vivid dreams where I would wake up in a cold sweat. Breaking the cycle also meant that, where in the past I really enjoyed getting as high as possible, for a while afterwards it would trigger anxiety. Now, I genuinely don't care if I do it or not (but I still do).


Apr 27, 2021
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In my opinion, anything done habitually will cause the feel-good experience to wither on the vine. It would be interesting to know when bitey first started. I've used them distinctly for mood stabilization after some wildness of my young adulthood. I became absolutely functional on k (stopped October 2020). You're hitting the same part of your brain every single time. The bell starts to not ring as much which causes the escalation to start.

For weed, someone who smokes the same strand over and over again, they can switch it up by getting another strain. This will hit the brain differently and cause you to get higher than you otherwise would have if you smoked the one you got used to. You chase that by trying to change it up all the time, but this too starts to wither. Same with edibles. Tolerances build.

I don't take weed too seriously anymore, but it was a physical addiction for me for real. Had to quit for more than a year after more than a decade straight and the first month was brutal. I had unbelievably vivid dreams where I would wake up in a cold sweat. Breaking the cycle also meant that, where in the past I really enjoyed getting as high as possible, for a while afterwards it would trigger anxiety. Now, I genuinely don't care if I do it or not (but I still do).
This will be LOOOONG! D:

I first tried weed when I was like 18, but I hated it because... it felt like a lie.

You see I had watched that movie "Half Baked" and so I got it into my head that weed could somehow produce ultra-realistic hallucinogenic effects.

That's what I wanted... I wanted a drug capable of producing unexpected hallucinogenic effects that would be indistinguishable from real reality. In other words, I was looking for augmented reality before that was even a thing. For exploration. I loved the notion of being able to experience something beyond physical reality. Its been a longing all my life, I can't really explain it... it's just... physical reality seems like it's... incomplete. Like there's a bunch of stuff, reality wise, that's just missing.

That was like in 1998, so it wasn't until 2012 that I tried weed again, after I got it legalized in Washington and Colorado (where I used to own like 50 acres of farm land). Sold the farm land after and made a little profit. It was easy to legalize, I figured out how to maximize my social media presence by riffing off local news station affiliates and then I altered everyone's conceptual metrics by shifting the argument from "muh freedoms" to "muh money".

If you can make something sound insanely profitable... guess what?! Yeah, humans are greedy, so you can exploit their wanton satiation.

Only downside is that in the wake of my little magic trick all the rich slurs started copying me... but even dumber... they just started buying all the local news stations outright! D:

So... yeah I kinda feel bad about that.

That's the problem with being any kind of creative... the evil humans will copy you, but in really terrible ways!

I wanted to legalize non-addictive largely harmless psychotropics... they wanted to legalize hard drugs and pedophilia.

Not hard to see how badly THAT'S turned out!

But even back in 2012 I never vaped weed, only ate edibles and even then only like once a month.

Keeping in mind I was taking opiates at the time and had been for nearly a decade, for nerve damage in my thigh, shoulder and for multiple ripped discs in my back.

I mostly started taking opiates because taking 8 Tylenol at a time on a regular basis was destroying my stomach.

But then I quit the opiates cold turkey sometime back around 2016, largely because they kept making it more of a hassle to get it and because the shit was impairing my breathing.

So that was hell... but... I mean, that's like a Tuesday.

I went through cold turkey opiate withdrawal right in the middle of a decade long "pit of despair" my family subjected me to when they cut off from me (after I exposed their child abuse). Lost all my friends, most of my family... really sucked!

It sucked worse later, because... eventually my idiot sister and her idiot ex-husband wound up abusing their kids in public... in front of like 30 witnesses... nearly broke one of their kid's arms and they had to call an ambulance.

Do you know what all my friends and family did in the wake of the local paper exposing their child abusing bullshit?


They didn't apologize, they weren't sorry at all and they stayed cut off from me.

You see, originally I had deluded myself into thinking that people just didn't believe me. That they thought I was a liar. Somehow that made the abuse feel better, because I came up with a plausible reason for their behavior... but then when it became undeniably obvious that I wasn't lying, well that's when I realized that most people are probably child abusers.

And looking at society today, looking at all the unchecked addictions and ever growing suicide rate and all the crazy pedo shit being pushed and promoted... yeah, I don't think I was wrong.

So that was hell.

I continued to use edibles every now and again, but largely switched to Gabapentin for my pain.

I took that for like... five years, then stopped, mostly because they started doing more research on the drug and found it was linked to terrible shit.

So now I just vape weed.

How much weed I use is largely dependent upon how much money I have or whether someone buys the stuff for me.

Meaning, if I have no money and no weedy handouts... I just don't use it and don't feel any particular inclination to either.

From like 2019 to 2022 I had lots of money to burn so I vaped way more than usual.

To the point where I did start having some medical issues, mostly with sore/burning throat and I'd get little marks on my neck that didn't look good.

So then I started using the lowest heat setting and cut my vape usage in half and the problem has largely cleared up.

Keeping in mind, over a long enough period of time weed ~will~ damage your arteries... not to the extent that a lot of other stupid shit will, but it is a risk.

Long story short, I've been in horrific pain most of my life and I've been very slowly reducing the amount of effective pain medication/relief.

The pain, by the by, it's what cuts through the feeling of effective perceptual drunkenness.

It's the whole reason I can write like I can while high... because strong enough pain disrupts its psychotropic effects.


May 17, 2023
Reaction score
I first tried weed when I was like 18, but I hated it because... it felt like a lie.

You see I had watched that movie "Half Baked" and so I got it into my head that weed could somehow produce ultra-realistic hallucinogenic effects.
The people that made movies like this intentionally made it unrealistic or had never actually experienced it and tried to explain the stories that they heard in a video format. You can tell when the times that they did it realistically that someone actually experienced it. It's like Van Gogh and Picasso drinking absinthe. You know that they did it because of what they produced.

I was 14 and suicidal. I've had depression since 5th grade and it is a feeling like a pressure on my brain that doesn't go away. It's something that gets alleviated by pot and destroyed by k. That's how I know what I'm experiencing is real. My brother got me to smoke because he wanted me to chill out. I found a new reality after the 3rd time I smoked. The feeling went away and I was happy again. But, it is fleeting. That led me down the path. I no longer felt like killing myself and felt like chasing this thing I found.

Tried multiple anti-depressants. Paxil made my dick not work (temporarily). Zoloft made me want to kill myself. Effexor literally changed my personality and multiple people warned me that I wasn't myself. I genuinely wanted to kill a person.

That's what I wanted... I wanted a drug capable of producing unexpected hallucinogenic effects that would be indistinguishable from real reality. In other words, I was looking for augmented reality before that was even a thing. For exploration. I loved the notion of being able to experience something beyond physical reality. Its been a longing all my life, I can't really explain it... it's just... physical reality seems like it's... incomplete. Like there's a bunch of stuff, reality wise, that's just missing.
The late 60's and 70's happened before either of us were twinkles in our dad's balls. This concept had been thoroughly explored by the time we grew up. It's just insanely difficult to explain a foreign concept like this to people who haven't experienced it.

I wanted a drug capable of producing unexpected hallucinogenic effects that would be indistinguishable from real reality. In other words, I was looking for augmented reality before that was even a thing. For exploration. I loved the notion of being able to experience something beyond physical reality. Its been a longing all my life, I can't really explain it... it's just... physical reality seems like it's... incomplete. Like there's a bunch of stuff, reality wise, that's just missing.
Be careful what you wish for. I'll be honest. If I had to do it all over again, I probably would. I would probably do the internet experience over again too. These things built on my personality and made me a stronger person that I was before. However, it doesn't mean I didn't sacrifice a lot to get there. There was a lot of pain in that process.

I remember seeing a show several years back where they did an experiment. The experiment had three participants: a better than average in shape teenager, a mom that had a couple of children, and an old man. The goal was to see how many times you could get hit by a tennis ball server before you tapped out. The kid tapped out almost immediately. The woman took at least twice as many. The old man just sat there and took at least twice as many as her. That kind of experience comes with a lot of pain.

Experimenting with drugs is the exact same. It's all fun and games until it isn't. I've experienced exactly what you are describing. However, I was not under control and am very lucky to have made it out the other side. But, it still made me stronger mentally. I couldn't imagine not knowing what I now know.

Only downside is that in the wake of my little magic trick all the rich slurs started copying me... but even dumber... they just started buying all the local news stations outright! D:
Every time I see someone who found an arbitrage situation, it always perplexes me when I find out about it. The very nature of this thing is that no one else knows. You can exploit this as long as you don't overdo it or tell others about it. That is where true greed and pride comes in. They can't help themselves and need others to know or need to get as much as they can right now.

Keeping in mind I was taking opiates at the time and had been for nearly a decade, for nerve damage in my thigh, shoulder and for multiple ripped discs in my back.
Feels. A car crash and football injury left me with a very iffy neck. Two times a year, the nerve to my left eye starts to get pinched somehow and it twitches the vision in my left eye.

I mostly started taking opiates because taking 8 Tylenol at a time on a regular basis was destroying my stomach.
You mean your fucking liver? Dude, I hope you weren't drinking at the time. If it was acetaminophen, you were doing damage. Not that I can take the high road on this, though.

I went through cold turkey opiate withdrawal right in the middle of a decade long "pit of despair" my family subjected me to when they cut off from me (after I exposed their child abuse). Lost all my friends, most of my family... really sucked!

It sucked worse later, because... eventually my idiot sister and her idiot ex-husband wound up abusing their kids in public... in front of like 30 witnesses... nearly broke one of their kid's arms and they had to call an ambulance.

Do you know what all my friends and family did in the wake of the local paper exposing their child abusing bullshit?


They didn't apologize, they weren't sorry at all and they stayed cut off from me.
Big if true. But, just like any of my stories, they could be complete bullshit. However, they also could absolutely be true. I just don't really feel like finding out.

most people are probably child abusers
This is the single stupidest take I've ever heard from you.

From like 2019 to 2022 I had lots of money to burn so I vaped way more than usual.

To the point where I did start having some medical issues, mostly with sore/burning throat and I'd get little marks on my neck that didn't look good.
Vaping constantly is going to be just as damaging (in a different way) as chewing tabaco. Also, I've vaped too hard before and nearly passed out several times, so I generally don't do it much anymore.

Keeping in mind, over a long enough period of time weed ~will~ damage your arteries... not to the extent that a lot of other stupid shit will, but it is a risk.

I've been in horrific pain
Hope you feel better. I still think you need to tighten up your writing style.


Apr 27, 2021
Reaction score
I was 14 and suicidal. I've had depression since 5th grade and it is a feeling like a pressure on my brain that doesn't go away. It's something that gets alleviated by pot and destroyed by k. That's how I know what I'm experiencing is real. My brother got me to smoke because he wanted me to chill out. I found a new reality after the 3rd time I smoked. The feeling went away and I was happy again. But, it is fleeting. That led me down the path. I no longer felt like killing myself and felt like chasing this thing I found.
Suicidal ideation results when your brain's metric for "work vs reward" is damaged as a result of over satiation (likely too much sugary shit given your age). You wind up wanting without effort to the point where you become effectively allergic to effort itself. To the point where even simple patience is unbearable. Death starts looking like a viable option at that point. Better dead than have to put in any effort or wait time. That's how much over satiation fucks up your brain!

Tried multiple anti-depressants. Paxil made my dick not work (temporarily). Zoloft made me want to kill myself. Effexor literally changed my personality and multiple people warned me that I wasn't myself. I genuinely wanted to kill a person.
Just so you know, chemical anti-depressants simply cause artificial dissociative identity disorder. You normally feel depression because you over satiate with stupid shit. The depression then leads to dysphoria or delusional pain seeking. Anti-depressants work by overriding the body's natural dysphoria by making it hard to see yourself perceptually. That's also why they work so inconsistently. You'd have been better off just becoming a Buddhist... it's the same thing but with more self-control.

The late 60's and 70's happened before either of us were twinkles in our dad's balls. This concept had been thoroughly explored by the time we grew up. It's just insanely difficult to explain a foreign concept like this to people who haven't experienced it.
That's why the most common compliment I get for my writing is, 'You said what I wanted to say when I couldn't find the words to say it myself.'

Or something along those lines. I'm incredibly good at literary description, which is why why writing makes sense for me, career wise.

I remember seeing a show several years back where they did an experiment. The experiment had three participants: a better than average in shape teenager, a mom that had a couple of children, and an old man. The goal was to see how many times you could get hit by a tennis ball server before you tapped out. The kid tapped out almost immediately. The woman took at least twice as many. The old man just sat there and took at least twice as many as her. That kind of experience comes with a lot of pain.
But what was the expectation of behavior? A child isn't normally expected to endure a lot of pain. A grown adult is. A grown ass man is expected to endure the most.

Big if true. But, just like any of my stories, they could be complete bullshit. However, they also could absolutely be true. I just don't really feel like finding out.
It was a major scandal at the time because her ex-husband was a sheriff's deputy. There's a bunch of news articles about it, even after the attempted legal purge. It didn't end with child abuse either. The shit really hit the fan after it was uncovered that he was having an affair with another officer...

This is the single stupidest take I've ever heard from you.
I'm going to hurt your perception now.

I'm going to make you face reality. Your emotions may burn...

They'll give the feds access to your electronic safe tho!

That's Ken Paxton, the dude they're currently trying to impeach sans evidence.

Metokur covered this one real well...

Keep telling yourself that your society doesn't have a problem... when it obviously has a real fuckin problem with fuckin children... ya know cause most of those are from just the past couple years.

There's THOUSANDS more! I just got tired of copying and pasting them.

Hope you feel better. I still think you need to tighten up your writing style.
Well duh. If I had a decent editor or manager I'd have already published.


Gay man
May 13, 2020
Reaction score
I first tried weed when I was like 18, but I hated it because... it felt like a lie.

You see I had watched that movie "Half Baked" and so I got it into my head that weed could somehow produce ultra-realistic hallucinogenic effects.
Wait a sec, a low-budget comedy somehow convinced you that consumption of the Evil Weed would produce those results?

Did you also think that crazy people’s heads could spin around 360° after watching The Exorcist? Or that with enough training you can kill a lot of people with headshots in about 5 minutes whilst using nothing but a pistol against people using automatic weapons....just because you watched John Wick?

then I altered everyone's conceptual metrics by shifting the argument from "muh freedoms" to "muh money".
Don’t you mean that you altered everyone’s PERCEPTUAL metrics? I ask because, correct me if I’m wrong, I’m quite certain that YOU were the progenitor of the Smell-O-Vision technology that allowed both tv viewers and computer users to viscerally experience your Evil Weed love affair.


Apr 27, 2021
Reaction score
Wait a sec, a low-budget comedy somehow convinced you that consumption of the Evil Weed would produce those results?

Did you also think that crazy people’s heads could spin around 360° after watching The Exorcist? Or that with enough training you can kill a lot of people with headshots in about 5 minutes whilst using nothing but a pistol against people using automatic weapons....just because you watched John Wick?

Don’t you mean that you altered everyone’s PERCEPTUAL metrics? I ask because, correct me if I’m wrong, I’m quite certain that YOU were the progenitor of the Smell-O-Vision technology that allowed both tv viewers and computer users to viscerally experience your Evil Weed love affair.
So... to be clear... you believe that drugs and the effects they produce are imaginary or that they don't really exist.

Uh... okay.

By the by, if you ~actually~ want what I described... it is possible, but only once a year and it'll take like 1500 μgs of the most expensive chemical currently in existence... LSD.

You ~might~ be able to make it go with 1000 μgs, you'd have more perceptual coherency, but if you want full on hyper-real hallucinogenic effects... yeah, 1500 μgs min.

Don't try it tho, cause yer probably an idiot who doesn't test their drugs and a lot of times they'll sell N-Bombs (25C-NBOMe) as LSD and if you took that much you'd be dead!

Actual LSD doesn't have an effective lethal dose, much like marijuana. There's simply a point of optimal saturation of receptor sites and then if you take any more over that you're just wasting shit. It won't kill you, but it won't make the high any better.

That's also why you have to wait a year, because LSD can only be used effectively once and then it's a two week minimum wait time before it'll work again and even then... the high won't be very good. Even if you doubled, quadrupled, even if you did TEN TIMES the amount... it wouldn't make you very high.

LSD Tolerance Chart.jpg

Gotta wait a full year if you want the super crazy trip! And even then 99.99% shouldn't, because most people freak the fuck out at a default!

Like... if you freak out over stupid shit... probably you don't want to use ANY kind of psychotropic. Otherwise you'll wind up like this...

Psychotropic drugs are only for people like me... people who absolutely will not ever lose their shit no matter what kind of circumstances they feel they're in.


Gay man
May 13, 2020
Reaction score
So... to be clear... you believe that drugs and the effects they produce are imaginary or that they don't really exist.

Uh... okay.

By the by, if you ~actually~ want what I described... it is possible, but only once a year and it'll take like 1500 μgs of the most expensive chemical currently in existence... LSD.

You ~might~ be able to make it go with 1000 μgs, you'd have more perceptual coherency, but if you want full on hyper-real hallucinogenic effects... yeah, 1500 μgs min.

Don't try it tho, cause yer probably an idiot who doesn't test their drugs and a lot of times they'll sell N-Bombs (25C-NBOMe) as LSD and if you took that much you'd be dead!

Actual LSD doesn't have an effective lethal dose, much like marijuana. There's simply a point of optimal saturation of receptor sites and then if you take any more over that you're just wasting shit. It won't kill you, but it won't make the high any better.

That's also why you have to wait a year, because LSD can only be used effectively once and then it's a two week minimum wait time before it'll work again and even then... the high won't be very good. Even if you doubled, quadrupled, even if you did TEN TIMES the amount... it wouldn't make you very high.

View attachment 83119

Gotta wait a full year if you want the super crazy trip! And even then 99.99% shouldn't, because most people freak the fuck out at a default!

Like... if you freak out over stupid shit... probably you don't want to use ANY kind of psychotropic. Otherwise you'll wind up like this...

Psychotropic drugs are only for people like me... people who absolutely will not ever lose their shit no matter what kind of circumstances they feel they're in.
Thank you for the info.

May I count on you as an invaluable druggie information source IF in the future I ever decide to go down the druggie road?


May 17, 2023
Reaction score
Suicidal ideation results when your brain's metric for "work vs reward" is damaged as a result of over satiation (likely too much sugary shit given your age). You wind up wanting without effort to the point where you become effectively allergic to effort itself. To the point where even simple patience is unbearable. Death starts looking like a viable option at that point. Better dead than have to put in any effort or wait time. That's how much over satiation fucks up your brain!
Being around suicide also heightens the thought in people's heads. There is a very real contagion effect from having others kill themselves around you. My best friend in 3rd grade hung himself in 7th grade after we went to different schools. A friend in high school hung himself after taking acid because he caught his dream girlfriend fucking his brother. One of my best friends in high school hung himself a year or so after getting into a fight at a festival and ended up with brain damage.

The first time I learned about doxing, it was an acquaintance friend who I had sold his first 20 sack to. He ended up getting into trouble multiple times. One time he got caught and tried to send another friend up the river only to be spied by this friend that his house was raided. Then, he got into trouble a second time via some forum for drugs from the Netherlands. He was the fall guy for Western Union (before bitcoin and tor were really a thing). His group ripped this person off, so he doxed the ever living shit out of him. Sent a bunch of evidence to the state police. I found all of this after he had killed himself. Supposedly, this person did it by closing a garage door on his neck. The owner of the forum freaked out and shut it down or changed domains.

There are several more that died of "over satiation" as you put it. The girl I had a crush on in high school died before 30 because her tiny body couldn't take what she was doing to it. Someone else died of aspirating vomit. Someone recently got ran over by a drunk driver while he was also probably drunk riding his bike. My current best friend's best friend was accidentally shot in the head during a sleepover in middle school, lived for a day and was unplugged. That's basically what you can expect when you run in certain groups, I guess. Also why my number of friends has dwindled down over the years. Either that or this shit just follows me around like a bad cloud.


May 17, 2023
Reaction score
So... to be clear... you believe that drugs and the effects they produce are imaginary or that they don't really exist.

Uh... okay.

By the by, if you ~actually~ want what I described... it is possible, but only once a year and it'll take like 1500 μgs of the most expensive chemical currently in existence... LSD.

You ~might~ be able to make it go with 1000 μgs, you'd have more perceptual coherency, but if you want full on hyper-real hallucinogenic effects... yeah, 1500 μgs min.

Don't try it tho, cause yer probably an idiot who doesn't test their drugs and a lot of times they'll sell N-Bombs (25C-NBOMe) as LSD and if you took that much you'd be dead!

Actual LSD doesn't have an effective lethal dose, much like marijuana. There's simply a point of optimal saturation of receptor sites and then if you take any more over that you're just wasting shit. It won't kill you, but it won't make the high any better.

That's also why you have to wait a year, because LSD can only be used effectively once and then it's a two week minimum wait time before it'll work again and even then... the high won't be very good. Even if you doubled, quadrupled, even if you did TEN TIMES the amount... it wouldn't make you very high.

View attachment 83119

Gotta wait a full year if you want the super crazy trip! And even then 99.99% shouldn't, because most people freak the fuck out at a default!

Like... if you freak out over stupid shit... probably you don't want to use ANY kind of psychotropic. Otherwise you'll wind up like this...

Psychotropic drugs are only for people like me... people who absolutely will not ever lose their shit no matter what kind of circumstances they feel they're in.
Lol, I used to go to high school on acid. I once aced a grammar pop quiz during the peak of a trip. I can pretty much tell that you never have taken it. The little girl I mentioned before could get books of it. It is true that you can't trip the day after tripping. Doesn't matter how much you take, your brain is exhausted and needs to recharge. A full year is not necessary. A full week isn't necessary. Two days is a little too soon and a waste usually. I have no idea how many micrograms were in it. You just know from previous experience if you went too big or not.

Even if you have done it, if you waited until after 25 years old to do it, your brain isn't going to react the same as a malleable kid's brain. Your pineal gland will be calcified or some shit like that.


Apr 27, 2021
Reaction score
Being around suicide also heightens the thought in people's heads. There is a very real contagion effect from having others kill themselves around you. My best friend in 3rd grade hung himself in 7th grade after we went to different schools. A friend in high school hung himself after taking acid because he caught his dream girlfriend fucking his brother. One of my best friends in high school hung himself a year or so after getting into a fight at a festival and ended up with brain damage.

The first time I learned about doxing, it was an acquaintance friend who I had sold his first 20 sack to. He ended up getting into trouble multiple times. One time he got caught and tried to send another friend up the river only to be spied by this friend that his house was raided. Then, he got into trouble a second time via some forum for drugs from the Netherlands. He was the fall guy for Western Union (before bitcoin and tor were really a thing). His group ripped this person off, so he doxed the ever living shit out of him. Sent a bunch of evidence to the state police. I found all of this after he had killed himself. Supposedly, this person did it by closing a garage door on his neck. The owner of the forum freaked out and shut it down or changed domains.

There are several more that died of "over satiation" as you put it. The girl I had a crush on in high school died before 30 because her tiny body couldn't take what she was doing to it. Someone else died of aspirating vomit. Someone recently got ran over by a drunk driver while he was also probably drunk riding his bike. My current best friend's best friend was accidentally shot in the head during a sleepover in middle school, lived for a day and was unplugged. That's basically what you can expect when you run in certain groups, I guess. Also why my number of friends has dwindled down over the years. Either that or this shit just follows me around like a bad cloud.
I think it's largely just the social atmosphere. Your effective homeostasis.

It's the reason why it's so much easier to stop using drugs when you radically alter your environment or put yourself into an environment in which drugs simply aren't available.

I made a post like a decade ago about how they were transforming the schools into, essentially, prisons.

Altering the trope of "school feels like a prison" to "school is literally a prison".

They did so largely in the wake of overreacting to sensationalist driven school shooting media coverage. The networks wanted ratings so they milked the fear porn as a means of generating money via hysteria marketing.

Some schools got so nutty about it that they went so far as to remove all the trees and greenery because a shooter could "potentially hide" in them.

They did the same shit before with blacks with "The Projects".

In the wake of "Universe 25" and other such animal experiments they specifically learned how to destroy a species with over satiation and over crowding.

Those experiments ended very badly...

Psychology - Universe 25.png

That's what they KNOWINGLY did to black people with "The Projects".

And then they wound up replicating the stupidity in schools.

So it's no wonder kids are so lost these days. Their teachers are pedophiles, their parents are usually idiots, their environment is shit and filled with addictions to compensate and most of them have probably never had a "real adult" in their lives.

Basically this...



Apr 27, 2021
Reaction score
Even if you have done it, if you waited until after 25 years old to do it, your brain isn't going to react the same as a malleable kid's brain. Your pineal gland will be calcified or some shit like that.

Apparently you never read "Exetheter". :D

I wrote like a BOOK on acid!

The first time I got high on LSD I wrote like 50 fuckin pages of text... nonstop!

I think LSD is actually BETTER when you're older... kids shouldn't mess with that stuff, it'll just fuck your brain up.

You should be at least 35, like wait until you're good and mellow. Don't do it when you're young, dumb and full of cum.

LSD is best when you've got purpose in mind. Young people don't usually know what their purpose in life is, so it likely just gives them random access nightmare fuel.
Last edited:


May 17, 2023
Reaction score

Apparently you never read "Exetheter". :D

I wrote like a BOOK on acid!

The first time I got high on LSD I wrote like 50 fuckin pages of text... nonstop!

I think LSD is actually BETTER when you're older... kids shouldn't mess with that stuff, it'll just fuck your brain up.

You should be at least 35, like wait until you're good and mellow. Don't do it when you're young, dumb and full of cum.

LSD is best when you've got purpose in mind. Young people don't usually know what their purpose in life is, so it likely just gives them random access nightmare fuel.
And like everything else you write, it is full of shit and doesn't make sense to 99.9% of people.

I wrote when I was on LSD and it was completely nonsensical. I call bullshit Mr. Snek.
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