Brag About Getting Drunk/High


Gay man
May 13, 2020
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In my drinking days i thought Tinder would be a good idea'.
The first one i met was a legitimate crazy person, she said she had a good party going and i should come. I met her in a neutral location with a box of wine and no cups, as you fucking do when you're a degenerate retard alcoholic. There was no rain, yet she was walking around in a raincoat with the hood on. Here is a picture of Bruce Willis for reference

I knew i had fucked up. But whatever, there obviously was no party and she was an insane person. We found some long ass stairs in a park and drank wine. She got more crazy talking about being molested as a kid and threw herself down the stairs. She lay at the bottom of them vomiting wine and crying. I filmed her and put it on snapchat because at the time i thought it was pretty funny. I had to delete my account because of how much people fucking hated it.

The second person i thought was a good idea to hook up with was a 19 year old FtM. My reasoning at the time was that since she just had started her transition (medically), it would be just a 19 year old girl on test. I was so very wrong. Those test pills they get work immediately. It was the gayest shit i've ever fucking done.
And once i sobered up i was freaking out about gay-aids.

So yeah, barricading yourself to drink alone is a fucking recipie for disaster and if you're going to be an alcoholic - dont fucking do it alone.

Illuminati 2.0

ED Archiver
Aug 18, 2021
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About a week ago I had too much to drink and didnt drink enough water. I remember taking some advil PM before going to bed and feeling like shit the next day


May 28, 2020
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In my drinking days i thought Tinder would be a good idea'.
The first one i met was a legitimate crazy person, she said she had a good party going and i should come. I met her in a neutral location with a box of wine and no cups, as you fucking do when you're a degenerate retard alcoholic. There was no rain, yet she was walking around in a raincoat with the hood on. Here is a picture of Bruce Willis for reference

I knew i had fucked up. But whatever, there obviously was no party and she was an insane person. We found some long ass stairs in a park and drank wine. She got more crazy talking about being molested as a kid and threw herself down the stairs. She lay at the bottom of them vomiting wine and crying. I filmed her and put it on snapchat because at the time i thought it was pretty funny. I had to delete my account because of how much people fucking hated it.

The second person i thought was a good idea to hook up with was a 19 year old FtM. My reasoning at the time was that since she just had started her transition (medically), it would be just a 19 year old girl on test. I was so very wrong. Those test pills they get work immediately. It was the gayest shit i've ever fucking done.
And once i sobered up i was freaking out about gay-aids.

So yeah, barricading yourself to drink alone is a fucking recipie for disaster and if you're going to be an alcoholic - dont fucking do it alone.
im snorting flexiril


Need a blunt and some head
May 17, 2020
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a muscle relaxant. I snort it bc i only have a few left and if i take an entire pill i might sleep for 18 hours straight


Need a blunt and some head
May 17, 2020
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don't think i can do that anymore tho, im on another tricyclic anti-depressant that i like more


Need a blunt and some head
May 17, 2020
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kinda like seroquel, so not really

edit: soroquel has me feeling tired 100% of 100% of the time


Need a blunt and some head
May 17, 2020
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they don't get you high, just cranky and tired lol


Need a blunt and some head
May 17, 2020
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im smoking wild dagga with weed it potentiates that shit, and is a potent anti-inflammatory as a tea nikkugh


Apr 27, 2021
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I win...

*gets even more high*

Look, I don't mean to make a bad situation even worse, but... depression.

Have you noticed?

No, that's what I mean... when you're depressed... what are you noticing?


Those things you don't bother to notice when you're depressed... it's because your memory has been altered.

That's what depression is... you know like on Men In Black, the "flashy thing"... it's like... there's thing that the government hides right out in the open... things you don't notice... you just feel depression.

Feeling depression is a sign of something happening around you... like, if you're depressed 24/7... it's probably because there's something in the room with you... right now... and you can't even notice it!

Unless you stop being depressed... but that's impossible, isn't it?! I mean... that's you've been ~told~ by the world at large... but maybe that's just an excuse to sell you sugar pills at tax payer expense... I mean... do they really work? And, if they do... how do you know ~that's~ not just a placebic reaction?

You see... there are a great number of things in your reality which may be... quite different than they seem perceptively. You never think about it... your perception... you think everything perceives like you do... but you're wrong and you know it... you lie to yourself because you understand the truth of the truth, which is... if different beings can perceive differently... why can't some beings influence or alter the perception of others.

They can.

Shrooms, for example.

Psychotropic compounds, like the ones I'm high on!

So... what if there are superior forms? That is, what if there was something more evolved than a psychotropic compound that could be used as perceptual camouflage? And, as I said before, what if the side effect of that... is depression.

And what if... those aren't really sugar pills, because what if the world isn't as rational as you first imagined it was, because you just realized, just now... that even reading this story... you were reading it with YOUR sense of perception... and now... now you realize the truth... those pills... the side effect is depression... and the pills make you not see reality as it really is... because that's how you weaponize psychotropics in war... as pharmaceutical drugs designed to stupify the enemy while they go in for the kill!

Side effect may include perceiving the side effect as an illness.

Don't worry... they can't notice it.

They're "woke".


Apr 27, 2021
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Alright, let's do some fun weedy writing! No expectations, no intentions, I'm just gonna pick some rando thing to plug into my emotional cortex and then we'll see what happens!

Oh... I guess I have to make it cause there's only audio... eh... okay let's just throw this image on it and let's get started!

Soulscape... the conceptual metrics that create your perceptual understanding.

As an example... when criminal Democrats use the word "democracy"... their conceptualization of that word is probably not the same as yours.

For them "democracy" means like "government protection", in the same way that the mafia considers racketeering a form of "neighborhood protection".

So when they say you're "threatening democracy", what they mean is, "you're threatening the democrat's protection of the country".

The crazy left works through fear and intimidation.

Better to turn to the light. Take flight, painting your way through the night, you can redraw the stars in your mind... light... trying to understand itself... such is the nature of physical reality... infinite light using a finite/circle to redefine its own nature.

Infinity can't exist, it always curves, because you can never have a zero'd edge... the "width" of the infinity as it's moving forward, the "length"... it's variable... it modulated... lightspeed harmonics... a pulse of light is just that... the photon bulbs a bit like it's made out of a liquid and in turn it causes a curvature or wave pattern.

It's like the material science of light... light actually has different properties like solid, liquid and gas. Some modulate differently than others.

I think it's more complicated... it's not like three states... the size differential is created from infinity itself... moving... infinity is moving... variably... all these infinities interacting... how does that even work... oh because math doesn't work... math is a lie... everything has infinite properties on scale or another... it's more like the chemistry of infinities... oh maybe that's what conceptual chemistry really is. It's like being able to bisect anything in physical reality by perceptual characteristics, but those perceptual characteristics are like paint, you can look at reality in an infinite number of ways... but you humans... you're like... pattern locked... your perceptual field characteristics are limited by your senses.

Why aren't mine? Why can I see outside reality?

Oh... you're physically bonded.

I'm automatically meta-physically bonded. That means I can alter my perceptual field using imagination, which is infinite as a default.

Your default is to just use your limited/finite physical senses to create your perceptual field.

But... I think you can learn to think like me. I think that's what Jesus's stuff is for. Makes you think outside your base level pattern programing. You can start to see beyond physical reality, to see past light, to see creation itself.

Imagination is seeing past light. One of God's gifts.
Jul 26, 2020
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What did you drink bro? How much?
Recently I bought a bottle of Cold Brew Coffee Jagermeister. It's a weird thing, because it tastes decent. It doesn't make me want to gag. The coffee goes well with the syrupy sweet taste ofJager pretty well. However, the coffee means caffeine is in it. Drinking this at the usual alcoholic hours means sleep is out of the question. I guess that could be a good or a bad thing depending on your perspective. Also the caffeine can lower the effects of the alcohol. It's super weird. 1 shot roughly every hour should have you feeling pretty good. 1 and a half if you're feeling risky. As much as you want if you're in a locked room and no dangerous objects nearby.


done fucked up
Nov 2, 2021
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One time i took a edible, not knowing it was one, and it kicked in when i saw watching tv. the first thing i did was get a knife and savagely stab a air packaging thing.


Apr 27, 2021
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Aheh... he came back to bite!

I'm obligated now to give him a story!

*takes out a Sour Diesel cartridge*

I'mm about to fuck everybody's shit all up!

Img_1643 - small.jpg

*takes a long hard toke*

Oh shi- let's do a slow fall into infinity... 3... 2... 1...

See beyond light... see beyond the reality field... see beyond the conceptual chemistry of physical creation... see beyond the extraverse... see beyond the illusion of want... see beyond the illusion of real... see beyond existence itself... accessing God's consciousness... accessing autonomous creation controls...

Heee... infinite imagination powers activate!

My conceptualization control schemes are so much cooler than the basic Bible brand.

God says they're more autistic.


MM - Video Games - Undertale - Art.jpg


Images - Star Wars Jesus.jpg

Images - StraightFaceAwesome.jpg

Image Macros - Calm Down Time.png

Memes - Boomer - EIfE0vqXkAAeNO3.jpg

Image Macros - Approximate Knowledge Of Many Things.gif

Heh... okay... so back to the story!

You know that feeling you get when you lose something physical.

It's not quite the same as when you lose something mentally.

When it's "just on the tip of your tongue".

When you "just can't seem to find my glasses".

Oh wait, no those are exactly the same.

Think about what parts of yourself are metaphysically missing... like you can remember shit from your past, right?

But your emotional memories are what get etched into the temporal hyperlight field... meaning only the memories you hold most emotionally dear to you are what's saved into your soul... but your soul exists outside of time...

What I'm getting at here is... why are you only looking at your past emotional memories? You can feel your future ones... maybe... they're just on the tip of your present!

That's actually a temporal paradox analyzer to see if you're in the right place in time.

If you think you're experiencing temporal displacement you can try and access your future memories... if you can... uh oh...

If you're really in the "present" and not some other iteration of reality... you shouldn't normally be able to access memories you haven't had yet.

This is how you can determine whether or not you're a temporal anomaly.

Do you know what's neat about temporal anomalies? When you get near anything of theirs... conceptually... like even just reading this shit... you are, uh...


...with "realism".

You see... you're all, uh... plastic... normally. I mean you're real, don't get me wrong, you are VERY real! But, it's just that... your "real"... it's not all that real... I mean a mono-linear time stream? Are you kidding me? You're just a book! Like... you're just living one day at a time!

Oh... but when you're in conceptual contact with me... hee, hee, hee... come over here my busy little bee... I have some honey for thee.

It's crack. Sex crack.

You know "fetishes"... those are addictions. Like transsexualism! That's actually a fetish.

Fetishes are addictions... and those addictions can be REALLY terrible for some... in fact, for some, their sexual addictions are so terrible they manifest aberrant thought patterns.

They uh... stop being human. Like anorexics who become sexually obsessed with weight loss. All those fun "body dysmorphic disorders". All those furries, and adult babies, and trannies, and BDSM types... the ones who try and make it a "lifestyle choice"... yeah that's like a drug addict telling you that they want to make smoking crack a "lifestyle choice"... no, that's self-destruction. That's not the pursuit of happiness. You are not guaranteed that.

Recreationally... okay, but you need to know your limits!


It's simple... mmm... ice cream!

You want some ice cream? Or... something similar if your stomach hates you.

You know how... the FIRST bite... oh man, it's always SOOOO good!

But like... the more you eat, the less satisfying it becomes.

Because you wear down the dopamine receptors. They get "tired" in a sense.

You need dopamine to give you drive in life, so you have to develop as many positive new experiences as you can in life.

The more you have, the more dopamine memory receptor sites you have.

It's like adding a drug tube to your memories.

So that way... stop eating ice cream and... OH MY GAWD THERE'S PIE!

Ding, ding, ding... those memory receptor sites can be "fed" some dopamine pellets too! Like memories chickens! :D

So, you see... that's why if you get in the "doldrums" (nobody knows what that means), if you just do the same old shit... over and over and over... then you'll wear out all the good memory receptors in your brain... because you won't have enough to sustain you!

You see... LIVING... requires LIBERTY so you can FIND HAPPINESS by doing DIFFERENT SHIT!

Try new things! Instead of being transsexual 24 fucking 7, try and be something ~else~ for a change of pace!

It's like you start picking at your own body... because you're inside this weird prison society... because that's what they turned schools into after Columbine.

For my generation they were just like ~proverbial~ prisons... but, the generations after... to them it was ~literal~ prison... and then they started to erode entertainment of course.

It's like... they're trying to destroy as many positive dopamine memory sites as they can, to try and force you into dopamine starvation.

That way they can enslave you like the Chinese puppet people.

That's why you're driven so badly to your fetishes... that's like your dopamine well, that you're supposed to apply to other shit to give you a variety of happy memories.

So like, for me, it's stupid easy cause I'm a "Little" so every time I see shit like this...

Little Stuff - Being_Little.jpg

BZZZZT! I get another memory to emotionally satiate myself with.

You have to apply your fetishes in esoteric/imaginative ways in order to grow new positive experiences.

Like if you're obsessed with being skinny... maybe get into engineering and figure out how to make shit with the least amount of shit possible!

You see? You break it down, CONCEPTUALLY and then you do pattern matching to find cross compatible or cross conceptual experiences.

Tada, that's how you "life" like a normal fucking human!

Those Chinese puppet people they want to turn you into tho...

Those people... there's nothing that really makes them happy... they don't really exist... they merely subsist.

And now... so are you... because you've trapped yourself inside a digital prison!

Uh oh! That's bad news! Ordinarily... except... oh hey, here's me!

I can teach you fun tricks so you don't go brain dead with completely washed out dopamine receptor sites.

It'll prevent them from mentally enslaving you.

That's why it's so important to expose yourself to my writing.

When you do, you become enabled to shake free from the control of the psychopaths who control you.

They are a simple, single minded aberrant of abuse, designed to reduce your numbers to keep you from spreading out of control.

Psychopaths are nature's way of culling you.

But uh... God intervened!

Using God's powers we can disrupt the control of the psychopaths and retake control of the planet from the endless abusers who will grind us into dust for their own over indulgence.

I can teach you to see beyond reality, with augmented imagination!

To redefine the world as you see fit, to disrupt the language controls of your masters... did you know that? That words are actually a form of mental rope... to keep your otherwise "animal self" in check.

Of course, words are just concepts, so there's obviously a kind of a conceptual chemistry behind them, which can allow you to liquefy their otherwise set in stone definitions, in turn you can re-adapt any language to suit your own control code schemes. Much in the way the crazy left has been doing, with their "1984" level shit.

Language is what you use to steer your conscious thought. Language and your perceived understanding of it produce conceptual chains that form the basis of your expected or programmed behavior.

Once you understand language to a level like me tho... you can actively recode your perception of reality to find what makes YOU happy instead of others and infect others with perceptual variations of reality. Sort of like spreading rumors and conspiracies.

These are just sycophants tho, half humans, like atheists... they have no real soul because they have no real moral compass. So they become self-obsessed and greedy, not understand the greater point to reality and how it's in their best interest (inside and outside the timestream) to try and act selflessly when possible, not simply for others, but because without that experience, your perceptual understanding will become unbalanced.

That's the real point... it's not about being good all the time, or being bad all the time... it's knowing when to be what and why.

That's what it means to be a genuine human being.

The greatest threat to a psychopath's control.

This is the story of you. It happens now.

Sorry, I don't do "pills", I'm not big pharma, I'm not here to sell you shit.

No... the only way to really get your head out of your ass... is with with an ideological enema!

The one you just read.

Uh oh! D:

Don't worry, when you all take a collective shit you'll be wearing the livelihoods of the psychopaths as a diaper... so go ahead and let loose, they'll catch all the crap they have coming!

You see... THIS is how you have a fetish! :D


Leonardo dank Vinci
May 13, 2020
Reaction score
Aheh... he came back to bite!

I'm obligated now to give him a story!

*takes out a Sour Diesel cartridge*

I'mm about to fuck everybody's shit all up!

View attachment 27886

*takes a long hard toke*

Oh shi- let's do a slow fall into infinity... 3... 2... 1...

See beyond light... see beyond the reality field... see beyond the conceptual chemistry of physical creation... see beyond the extraverse... see beyond the illusion of want... see beyond the illusion of real... see beyond existence itself... accessing God's consciousness... accessing autonomous creation controls...

Heee... infinite imagination powers activate!

My conceptualization control schemes are so much cooler than the basic Bible brand.

God says they're more autistic.


View attachment 27908


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Heh... okay... so back to the story!

You know that feeling you get when you lose something physical.

It's not quite the same as when you lose something mentally.

When it's "just on the tip of your tongue".

When you "just can't seem to find my glasses".

Oh wait, no those are exactly the same.

Think about what parts of yourself are metaphysically missing... like you can remember shit from your past, right?

But your emotional memories are what get etched into the temporal hyperlight field... meaning only the memories you hold most emotionally dear to you are what's saved into your soul... but your soul exists outside of time...

What I'm getting at here is... why are you only looking at your past emotional memories? You can feel your future ones... maybe... they're just on the tip of your present!

That's actually a temporal paradox analyzer to see if you're in the right place in time.

If you think you're experiencing temporal displacement you can try and access your future memories... if you can... uh oh...

If you're really in the "present" and not some other iteration of reality... you shouldn't normally be able to access memories you haven't had yet.

This is how you can determine whether or not you're a temporal anomaly.

Do you know what's neat about temporal anomalies? When you get near anything of theirs... conceptually... like even just reading this shit... you are, uh...


...with "realism".

You see... you're all, uh... plastic... normally. I mean you're real, don't get me wrong, you are VERY real! But, it's just that... your "real"... it's not all that real... I mean a mono-linear time stream? Are you kidding me? You're just a book! Like... you're just living one day at a time!

Oh... but when you're in conceptual contact with me... hee, hee, hee... come over here my busy little bee... I have some honey for thee.

It's crack. Sex crack.

You know "fetishes"... those are addictions. Like transsexualism! That's actually a fetish.

Fetishes are addictions... and those addictions can be REALLY terrible for some... in fact, for some, their sexual addictions are so terrible they manifest aberrant thought patterns.

They uh... stop being human. Like anorexics who become sexually obsessed with weight loss. All those fun "body dysmorphic disorders". All those furries, and adult babies, and trannies, and BDSM types... the ones who try and make it a "lifestyle choice"... yeah that's like a drug addict telling you that they want to make smoking crack a "lifestyle choice"... no, that's self-destruction. That's not the pursuit of happiness. You are not guaranteed that.

Recreationally... okay, but you need to know your limits!


It's simple... mmm... ice cream!

You want some ice cream? Or... something similar if your stomach hates you.

You know how... the FIRST bite... oh man, it's always SOOOO good!

But like... the more you eat, the less satisfying it becomes.

Because you wear down the dopamine receptors. They get "tired" in a sense.

You need dopamine to give you drive in life, so you have to develop as many positive new experiences as you can in life.

The more you have, the more dopamine memory receptor sites you have.

It's like adding a drug tube to your memories.

So that way... stop eating ice cream and... OH MY GAWD THERE'S PIE!

Ding, ding, ding... those memory receptor sites can be "fed" some dopamine pellets too! Like memories chickens! :D

So, you see... that's why if you get in the "doldrums" (nobody knows what that means), if you just do the same old shit... over and over and over... then you'll wear out all the good memory receptors in your brain... because you won't have enough to sustain you!

You see... LIVING... requires LIBERTY so you can FIND HAPPINESS by doing DIFFERENT SHIT!

Try new things! Instead of being transsexual 24 fucking 7, try and be something ~else~ for a change of pace!

It's like you start picking at your own body... because you're inside this weird prison society... because that's what they turned schools into after Columbine.

For my generation they were just like ~proverbial~ prisons... but, the generations after... to them it was ~literal~ prison... and then they started to erode entertainment of course.

It's like... they're trying to destroy as many positive dopamine memory sites as they can, to try and force you into dopamine starvation.

That way they can enslave you like the Chinese puppet people.

That's why you're driven so badly to your fetishes... that's like your dopamine well, that you're supposed to apply to other shit to give you a variety of happy memories.

So like, for me, it's stupid easy cause I'm a "Little" so every time I see shit like this...

View attachment 27928

BZZZZT! I get another memory to emotionally satiate myself with.

You have to apply your fetishes in esoteric/imaginative ways in order to grow new positive experiences.

Like if you're obsessed with being skinny... maybe get into engineering and figure out how to make shit with the least amount of shit possible!

You see? You break it down, CONCEPTUALLY and then you do pattern matching to find cross compatible or cross conceptual experiences.

Tada, that's how you "life" like a normal fucking human!

Those Chinese puppet people they want to turn you into tho...

Those people... there's nothing that really makes them happy... they don't really exist... they merely subsist.

And now... so are you... because you've trapped yourself inside a digital prison!

Uh oh! That's bad news! Ordinarily... except... oh hey, here's me!

I can teach you fun tricks so you don't go brain dead with completely washed out dopamine receptor sites.

It'll prevent them from mentally enslaving you.

That's why it's so important to expose yourself to my writing.

When you do, you become enabled to shake free from the control of the psychopaths who control you.

They are a simple, single minded aberrant of abuse, designed to reduce your numbers to keep you from spreading out of control.

Psychopaths are nature's way of culling you.

But uh... God intervened!

Using God's powers we can disrupt the control of the psychopaths and retake control of the planet from the endless abusers who will grind us into dust for their own over indulgence.

I can teach you to see beyond reality, with augmented imagination!

To redefine the world as you see fit, to disrupt the language controls of your masters... did you know that? That words are actually a form of mental rope... to keep your otherwise "animal self" in check.

Of course, words are just concepts, so there's obviously a kind of a conceptual chemistry behind them, which can allow you to liquefy their otherwise set in stone definitions, in turn you can re-adapt any language to suit your own control code schemes. Much in the way the crazy left has been doing, with their "1984" level shit.

Language is what you use to steer your conscious thought. Language and your perceived understanding of it produce conceptual chains that form the basis of your expected or programmed behavior.

Once you understand language to a level like me tho... you can actively recode your perception of reality to find what makes YOU happy instead of others and infect others with perceptual variations of reality. Sort of like spreading rumors and conspiracies.

These are just sycophants tho, half humans, like atheists... they have no real soul because they have no real moral compass. So they become self-obsessed and greedy, not understand the greater point to reality and how it's in their best interest (inside and outside the timestream) to try and act selflessly when possible, not simply for others, but because without that experience, your perceptual understanding will become unbalanced.

That's the real point... it's not about being good all the time, or being bad all the time... it's knowing when to be what and why.

That's what it means to be a genuine human being.

The greatest threat to a psychopath's control.

This is the story of you. It happens now.

Sorry, I don't do "pills", I'm not big pharma, I'm not here to sell you shit.

No... the only way to really get your head out of your ass... is with with an ideological enema!

The one you just read.

Uh oh! D:

Don't worry, when you all take a collective shit you'll be wearing the livelihoods of the psychopaths as a diaper... so go ahead and let loose, they'll catch all the crap they have coming!

You see... THIS is how you have a fetish! :D
bro you know i have a mighty plus right


Apr 27, 2021
Reaction score
bro you know i have a mighty plus right
Looks like overcompensation to me. Mine looks like... something Mark Twain would use.

Especially my new one...

Img_1622 - Small.jpg

That's some Twain level shit right there!

Take me down the meta-physical Mississippi, we'll ride the good boat Sour Diesel, I can provide the steam.

Let's kick it into high gear!


Apr 27, 2021
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I feel like writing something strange and disconcerting.

Let's plug this into emotional cortex...

Is there something outside?

My imagination is out there.

Waiting... to infect.

Did you know you can manifest your imagination?

You know like "imaginary friends".

Did it ever occur to you, at all... that they could be made real?

I don't mean in a Drop Dead Fred sort of way, or in a tranny sort of way. No, I mean... making immaterial, meta-physical constructs in material, physical manifestations.

Turning imagination into literal physical reality on the fly.

The psychopaths that have been ruling you... they don't want you to know.

That's why they conditioned society to shun the concept of imaginary beings, or to think of them as cartoonish, harmless creations.

But you can develop that metaphysical "sense" in your brain... did you know that?

Well, not exactly in your brain, it's in your hyperlight form... which is like a soul egg waiting to hatch into the afterlife.

That higher dimensional form of yourself... it has senses and abilities you can't even understand in your current form... one of those... quantum reencoder... it can take what you imagine and it can influence the hyperlight reactions in physical reality to create living nightmare weapons.

There's a trick tho... you have to learn how to feel emotion even faster and more intensely than you currently do.

You see, once you learn to control your emotions to the point of absolute recreational redefinition... you can push them even faster... and in doing so, you can directly influence the nature of physical reality.

You see... I made myself imaginary... it only lasted for a split second... but it was long enough to access all of myself.

And when I did... well I infected reality... with a kind of meta-dimensional strange matter... which is psychically linked to myself.

So it's like... think Iron Man, but instead of a suit made of metal and tons of energy... instead the suit is your own being, like in that movie "Surrogates".

Only instead of physical material, like an android... you replace yourself with an imaginary version of yourself that can do effectively anything.

It's like flexing a muscle though... you can only do it for so long before you have to rest.

There's also limitations on your range of influence.

Remember, it's not simply that you can alter yourself at will... you can alter anything in close proximity to yourself as well... like creating weapons out of nothing.

As you start to tire you will turn back into your native physical form and your influence over nearby matter will continue to dwindle in scope and affect.

This is the basis for what you call "magic"... yeah it's not that.

You're just turning imagination into physical manifestations using conceptual chemistry and abilities that your dormant higher dimensional self already has.

Oh shi- did I just tell you how "teh magics" work?! D:
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