Brag About Getting Drunk/High


Apr 27, 2021
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I cured depression... while high... you're welcome...

Part 1...

Part 2...

Magical extra idea...

Lords Prayer.jpg

Also a hat version of this idea but it says "Fuck You".

...or maybe one that links to the "Kittens" page... that might get you in trouble tho. D:


Gay man
May 13, 2020
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I cured depression... while high... you're welcome...

Part 1...

Part 2...

Magical extra idea...

Also a hat version of this idea but it says "F**k You".

...or maybe one that links to the "Kittens" page... that might get you in trouble tho. D:
Bitey, do you recognize this handsome devil?



Apr 27, 2021
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There ya go, you have found something positive to say about your image and that’s an important part of maintaining a healthy - but not excessive - ego

I love the way I look.

To the point where I don't think I'd ever even consider a tattoo or a piercing.

My body is just fine and dandy the way it is.

I think maybe you're confused because I'm not arrogant about it.

Like I don't take 38 selfies of myself every time I walk into the bathroom.


Gay man
May 13, 2020
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I love the way I look.

To the point where I don't think I'd ever even consider a tattoo or a piercing.

My body is just fine and dandy the way it is.

I think maybe you're confused because I'm not arrogant about it.

Like I don't take 38 selfies of myself every time I walk into the bathroom.
Yes, that seems to be a healthy way to approach your self-image


Apr 27, 2021
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*gets high*

...I do sometimes admire my hair in the bathroom... and also my jawline... and my overall face... I just... I do admire myself... I just... I like to do so on a personal level. I don't really feel like ~flaunting~ so much... that kinda seems like work. Like it's good for taking a picture, but... yeah... that's what we used to do... instead of Photoshopping... we'd just be scruffy most of the time and then on ~certain~ days we've dress up real fancy and THEN take pictures.

Instead of this new trend where you're trying to "stay pretty" like 24 fuckin 7... like have you seen those weird ass prostithot "gaming" streams on Twitch? Like... what tha'fuck is that shit? It's like... selfie taking... to a whole new level of obsessively weird... and then like... I guess they hoard up a collection pedophiles who then pay them money... like just for random... whatever... like it's a fuckin strip show... but for like pedophiles and... I guess women who act and dress below their age?

I hope... oh God I hope they're not underage... I mean they're not doing anything overtly sexual, it's just... I dunno, the shit makes me REALLY uncomfortable. I mean I guess it's legal... right, or else they wouldn't be doing it 24/7 for years on end... apparently.

Oh, sorry, um... I was about to like... brag about some cool shit I wrote! Well, it wasn't all me tho, you understand that, in order to write like this I'm ~taking~ those songs and converting them into emotion which I then convert into my imagination! So it's a group effort! Also needs the effort of the reader to, you know... not be Doctor Fauci.


Apr 27, 2021
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Well, headin to bed soon, but I wanna do one more weedy writing session.

Writing is my most favorite thing to do. The conceptualization of human thought into physical form. Writing is a form of artistry.

Let's see, what should I plug into my emotional cortex for external influence?

How about this...

Feels like my vibe.

Remember, you can't call on evil without calling on God at the same time.

That's why my type keeps popping up.

You can never kill God's reason, you'll only make humanity stronger if you try.

The harder you hurt creative savants the closer to God's power we get and the further God's grace spreads.

That's why evil can never win.

Because evil can never stop hurting people.

Sorry, but this time... with me... fuck your standard, I'm subverting evil's bullshit directly. No more "negotiation" bullshit. They tried to reprogram humanity to commercialize and industrialize their autonomy for profit... so this time, with me anyway... I'll reprogram evil, to service humanity's improvement.


Do you know why you hate your job? Because hatred is power. Why do you hurt yourselves with it?

You don't have to use hate that way. That's how evil tries to rewire your emotions.

Let's see...

*accessing autonomous creation controls*

Doo, de, doo...

Let's reamalgamate reality!

First break it apart conceptually.

*snaps finger*

Evolutional sequence pattern programming is rooted in locomotion... agitation of extremities, the urge to want to fight back against your environment to improve yourself.

Oh, I see, you humans fucked yourselves all up! What did you do... what did you do?! D:

Yikes... um, see, hatred is like, you hate your environment because it's not facilitating your dopamine treasure hunt which in turn is supposed to drive you to action to alter or improve your environment.

Like just walking away if you hate someone. Removing them from your environment should remove the anger.


Human think slower than their emotions react tho. Because you ate burned fruit and carcinogenated yourselves out of alignment with physical reality to get a whiff of the real deal.

So now you can believe in God, yay!

The problem there is, if evil gets you to hate God and/or yourself (simply by extension)... well at that point God is the proverbial "bad guy" to use your hatred against. To drive yourself against his will. Like a child testing their boundaries.

So many these days are craving God so bad it's literally making them insane.

But God wants you to live your life, not pine for physical death.

The problem is, when you hate God instead of YOUR SOCIETY, that YOU CREATED, it's like giving yourself a free pass on the "failure to thrive" bus. Because other than dying, or killing, or hurting, or blaming... well, your options against God are nil.

So then you let your world rot, blaming God instead of your society.


They need you to hate God, because then you won't think to hate the ones who are ruining your world. Hate is a means of driving you towards a goal with full force of will.

So if you hate your society, you will be driven to improve society and your station within it. But if you hate God... all you're left with is death and destruction because there's no other corrective options you could take against God.

It's like... you gotta keep your eye on the evil!

Hate the broken parts of society and you'll be driven to fixing them instead of blaming God in a suicidal death spiral.


Okay, part 2... I'm gonna go full GOD MODE on this!

*takes a massive toke off a "God's Kush" cartridge*

3... 2... 1...


God's wearing dad pants! D:





*slowly puts the angry down*

You cannot directly use hate on humans!

Emotions are not all the same!

Some emotions you can "eat".

Some emotions will KILL YOU if you try and "eat" them.

Hate is like a gun. It's a useful tool for hunting dopamine treasures in your life. You can hate your ENVIRONMENT enough to drive you to want to change your environment, which in turn will bring you NEW emotional experiences to get even MORE dopamine treasure memories!

You can fuck this up tho!

If you don't use your hatred correctly, if you start directing it at PEOPLE... guess what? Yeah, you can't change other people. Other people are other people... that's just how they are.

So because of that, when you hate a person, you become DRIVEN to try and change that person as a means of making yourself happy... which, obviously will NEVER work.

In turn you will just keep on hating them... exponentially.

Hate resonates hate in humans... until you all kill one another!

That's why you don't use it that way.

Because your hate is not functionally compatible with your human autonomy. That's why you have the right to seek happiness, but no right at all to seek hatred. Because hatred destroys autonomy.

However! You can use hate on CIRCUMSTANCES and ENVIRONMENT... and... sorry, drifting. Evil must REALLY not want you to know this. I've never had such a strong sense of temptation to daydream off the beam field.

Uh... let's go again.

*takes a long toke*

3... 2... 1...

Hate is like NOS, you use too much... you'll just break the shit out of everything... too little and you'll be way too late to even finish.

So the trick is finding exactly how much hate you need to drive you to solving a problem with rational discourse.

See first you hate the physical, which drives you to want to change the physical, but you can't because you're stupid... so then you hate being stupid, which then drives you to improve your reasoning.

So you turn hate into frustration and then into motivation... might be missing some steps... um... a want to win... ahhh... something... realization of physics field manipulation through... can't read it... uh... pleh. Skip it.

Uh, hang on... um...

Hate the broken parts of society and you'll be driven to fixing them instead of blaming God and God's creations in a suicidal death spiral. God is the creator of life, but you are the creator of your own circumstances and environment. That is the responsibility to which your autonomy of life is functionally dependent upon in order to create and improve happiness.


Pleh, gotta disconnect, something is making me feel like I wrote this wrong.


Oh, shi- there's more... hang on...

Your "hate speech laws" actually create this problem... you see, normally our society teaches us not to take hatred seriously. We treat hatred like it's a joke, or a play, or an act, or Klingon Opera... fake hate... that's what humans NORMALLY operate off of... like when you're angry and frustrated, you might yell out an invective.

Now, normally, the person on the receiving of the hate is supposed to not just listen to WHAT the person says, but WHY they are saying it. In turn, they then understand that the expressed hatred isn't personal, but rather a means of emotionally vomiting.


Uh... hang on... so, when you have that mentality, when it's taught to children and everyone grows up understanding that words are what you make of them and that you are the only one who can truly hurt yourself with them... then you don't NEED any "hate speech" rules or laws... because the standard is to not give them any functional power in the first place.

That's what EVIL has been doing to you all.

It's been giving power to hate.

Further... this makes words... your own! Otherwise... it's like... you're letting other people control YOUR words! Evil tries to STEAL your language, your communication from you, it tries to say it's not yours, it tries to tell you the meaning of what you say... in essence, stealing away your autonomy! That's how evil the evil we're fighting is!


Apr 27, 2021
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I'm uh... gonna play video games now... for awhile... think I might just take a week or two off, for my birthday and all.

Thanks for reading my work... well... those that did.

If you didn't, well... that's okay too.

Illuminati 2.0

ED Archiver
Aug 18, 2021
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I'm uh... gonna play video games now... for awhile... think I might just take a week or two off, for my birthday and all.

Thanks for reading my work... well... those that did.

If you didn't, well... that's okay too.
You may be wondering why I wrote this lengthy letter about how Matthew Moulton is a congenital falsifier who surrounds any half-truth with a bodyguard of lies. I’m almost embarrassed to write this qualifier—and you should be embarrassed if you need it—but I did it for the children. Let me begin by citing a range of examples from the public sphere. For starters, there’s long been a specter of mandarinism floating throughout our society. However, no one has ever given it a national megaphone—until now. In particular, by elevating his stratagems to prominence as epistemological principles, Matthew has made it perfectly clear that his plan is to rely on the psychological effects of terror to magnify the localized effects of his doctrines so that, like a stone hurled into a pool of water, shock waves ripple from the epicenter of Matthew’s attacks to the furthest reaches of the Earth. However, unlike the Nazis, Matthew doesn’t conceal his malevolent goals. Perhaps he’s confident that no one will notice that the time has come to choose between freedom or slavery, revolt or submission, and liberty or Matthew’s particularly materialistic form of allotheism. It’s clear what Matthew wants us to choose, but he has been telling people that some people deserve to feel safe while others do not. This story has been uncritically swallowed and regurgitated by many half-informed, tone-deaf clunks who find pleasure in believing it. No, I can’t explain it either. However, I can say that if you’ve read any of the moonstruck slop that Matthew has concocted, you’ll undoubtedly recall Matthew’s description of his plan to replace intellectual integrity with ludibrious sloganeering. If you haven’t read any of it, well, all you really need to know is that everything Matthew says is a lie. I’ve never in all my life seen someone who lies so much. Let me relate to you three lies he’s recently told. First, Matthew made up a story about how he’s renowned for his racial and cultural sensitivity. As you probably guessed, there’s not a shred of truth in that story. Second, Matthew said that we can stop ultracrepidarianism merely by permitting government officials entrée into private homes to search for stiff-necked, chuffy smut peddlers. Total lie! And third, Matthew lied that the sky is falling. That’s a lot of lies right there, which indicates that Matthew is more than merely doolally. He’s über-doolally. In fact, Matthew is so doolally that he has been deluding people into believing that society is supposed to be lenient towards the most goofy plutocrats you’ll ever see. Don’t let him delude you, too. Might I suggest that Matthew search for a hobby? It seems he has entirely too much time on his hands, given how often he tries to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to poststructuralism. His double standards leave me with several unanswered questions: Whatever happened to community standards? And aren’t his revenge fantasies an existential expression of Man’s tragic separation, his awful estrangement, and his terrible sinfulness? These are difficult questions to answer because I’m by no means the first person to expose him as an anti-democratic storyteller. However, it’s still somewhat rare for anyone to state publicly that I’ve run into some distressing examples of confirmation bias among Matthew’s votarists. For instance, they assert that all minorities are poor, stupid ghetto trash. Interestingly, though, they fail to notice that Matthew’s reason is not true reason. It does not seek the truth but only brain-damaged answers, deluded resolutions to conflicts.

A long time ago I wrote that it is amazing to me that Matthew would dare to criticize someone or something without carefully reading what was written. Today I might add that I’ve heard numerous complaints about Matthew’s behavior. Many people I’ve talked to have complained that Matthew comports himself like a filthy pig, heedless of all needs but his own. Among these needs the paramount one seems to be the need to sanctify his depravity. This backs up my point that many scholars have already concluded that his mots are highly uncouth. Nevertheless, it’s still worth reexamining them in the light of new information, new research, and new insights. Doing so is sure to reveal that Matthew’s cult followers are united by only two things. Want to guess what those are? They’re a deep-seated sense of victimization and a burning desire to seize control over where we eat, sleep, socialize, and associate with others. Aside from those two things, the members of Matthew’s flock have little in common. Surprisingly, some of them even realize that Matthew’s junta is often found ostracizing, belittling, and punishing people for holding heterodox political views. His rhetoric encourages this grotesque and shameful state of affairs even as he nominally condemns it. Such two-facedness proves that Matthew has been trying to trick people into believing that five-crystal orgone generators can eliminate mind-control energies that are being radiated from secret, underground, government facilities. Apparently, he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams with shrewish, irritating falsifiers; they’re now fully convinced that Matthew is above everyone else.

Please don’t misunderstand me; I’m not saying that Matthew is a paragon of morality and wisdom. In fact, he is trying to subject us to the oppressive yapping of unenlightened schnooks. His mission? To attack my character. I don’t believe that power corrupts Matthew but that Matthew corrupts power. Speaking of corruption and power, some of my acquaintances express the view that most pundits are uncertain about the magnitude of the threat posed by Matthew’s canards. Others express the view that justice and humanity are absolutely on our side and nothing but illegality and barbarity are on Matthew’s. I am prepared to offer a cheer and a half for each view; together, they paint a sufficiently complete picture of Matthew to warrant a full three cheers.

Isn’t it interesting which questions Matthew dodges and what tangents he goes off on? Those dodges and tangents make me think that the ostensible basis for Matthew’s speech codes is as phony as the loose and biased standards applied to enforce them. As an interesting experiment, try to point this out to him. (You might want to don safety equipment first.) I think you’ll find that Matthew is always prating about how the majority of discourteous wantwits are heroes, if not saints. (He used to say that his ideals are good for the environment, human rights, and baby seals, but the evidence is too contrary so he’s given up on that score.)

That reminds me: If Matthew gets his way, we will soon be engulfed in a Dark Age of obscurantism and indescribable horror. That’s why I’m telling you that there are some basic biological realities of the world in which we live. These realities are doubtless regrettable, but they are unalterable. If Matthew finds them intolerable and unthinkable, the only thing that I can suggest is that he try to flag down a flying saucer and take passage for some other solar system, possibly one in which the residents are oblivious to the fact that Matthew’s off-the-cuff comments are an icon for the deterioration of the city, for its slow slide into crime, malaise, and filth.

Now, more than ever, we must see through the haze of NIMBYism. In contrast, unlike the usual, unregenerate, garden-variety woodenhead, Matthew’s plunderbund loves presenting a false image to the world by hiding unpleasant but vitally important realities about Matthew’s actions. This is nothing less than a betrayal of the many by the few. Ultimately, this is all about choice. We can choose to let Matthew create a world without history, without philosophy, without science, without reason—a world without beauty of any kind, without art, without literature, without culture—or we can choose to get him to damp down the bellicosity of his vituperations. That’s a stark choice. To my mind it isn’t even a choice at all. The latter option is the only one that shows the world that many years ago, I came to the then-tentative conclusion that Matthew’s magniloquent monographs are a treasure trove of ad hominem attacks, vexatious accusations, and biased reporting from a diabolic point of view. While there are certainly exceptions to that rule, all these years later my conclusion is no longer tentative. In particular, what I take much more seriously than splenetic deadbeats are egocentric, cankered hellions. That’s pretty transparent. What’s not so transparent is the answer to the following question: Is Matthew just trying to scorn and abjure reason? A clue might be that his blather about how I’m some sort of cully who can be duped into believing that he has answers to everything has no basis in reality. But his strictures aren’t about reality. They’re about advocating fatalistic acceptance of an egotistical new world order. In other words, I never thought I would live to see the day that an obscene lurdane like Matthew could manage to eviscerate freedom of speech and sexual privacy rights. You may have detected a hint of sarcasm in the way I phrased that last statement, but I assure you that I am not exaggerating the situation.

Matthew has never been accused of objectivity, which is another way of saying that Matthew is too jackbooted to read the writing on the wall. This writing warns that in a recent tell-all, a former member of his cabal writes that my general opposition to conspiracism is what leads me to get my message about Matthew out to the world. Those are some pretty harsh words even when one considers that my objection to Matthew is not that he tries to make us think as he does but that he tries to make us do as he thinks. In light of my stance on this issue, Matthew had previously claimed that he had no intention to subvert existing lines of power and information. Of course, shortly thereafter, that’s exactly what he did. Next, he denied that he would judge people by the color of their skin while ignoring the content of their character. We all know what happened then. Now, Matthew would have us believe he’d never ever sidetrack us so we can’t shape a world of dignity and harmony, a world of justice, solidarity, liberty, and prosperity. Will he? Go figure. My view is that if we are powerless to improve the lot of humankind, it is because we have allowed Matthew to convert houses of worship into houses of desperadoism.

I guess what I really mean to say is that if we fail in our task of navigating a safe path between the Scylla of Matthew’s impudent vaporings and the Charybdis of terrorism, then he will reward mediocrity. Although the destructiveness of his histrionics has been chronicled elsewhere in great and tedious detail it fits too neatly into my thesis to overlook. Hence, I shall chronicle it here as well but only as a quick comment that Matthew’s tender and delicate adjustments and readjustments of his convictions may succeed at convincing a few supercilious, incomprehensible fast-buck artists that we can trust him not to grasp at straws, trying to find increasingly scornful ways to indoctrinate children into his gestapo. Nevertheless, if we let Matthew progressively narrow the sphere of human freedom, all we’ll have to look forward to in the future is a public realm devoid of culture and a narrow and routinized professional life untouched by the highest creations of civilization.

Why do Matthew’s spokesmen stick with him? I guess they must think, Yes, he’s an irritable, namby-pamby galoot. But at least he’s our irritable, namby-pamby galoot. It is a fact that neocolonialism is the raw material that he uses to destroy any resistance by channeling it into ineffective paths. I should note that defying plain facts is a formula for making a fool of yourself. Regardless, Matthew continually defies the fact that he thinks that he can make me have a conniption if he can mollycoddle the most parasitic sensualists you’ll ever see. This indicates that Matthew has the seeds of his own destruction built right into his viperine worldview, a supposition that is confirmed by the observation that it’s irrelevant that my allegations are 100% true. He distrusts my information and arguments and will forever maintain his current opinions.

Can you believe that Matthew actually said that he wants to instigate a soul-destroying cancel culture in which even harmless utterances lead to permanent condemnation? Although what Matthew uttered can never be pardoned, he keeps repeating over and over again that undiscoverable, unmeasurable, magical forces from another plane of existence have given him superhuman wisdom. This verbigeration is symptomatic of an excessive love of defeatism and indicates to me that if you looked up self-indulgent in the dictionary, you’d probably see Matthew’s picture. Yes, Virginia, Matthew periodically puts up a façade of reform. However, underneath the pretty surface, it’s always business as usual. The end.


Apr 27, 2021
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Your tired copypasta does not impress. Look at Quence, he gave an AI a blow job and at least made me something ORIGINAL for my birthday!


Well... I suppose you did your "best".

Memes - You Tried - Big Star With Comic Sans.png


Gay man
May 13, 2020
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Well, headin to bed soon, but I wanna do one more weedy writing session.
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about your drug consumption (and 2 about writing)? Well, that’s a rhetorical question, so here we go...

When you say *gets high*, how do you go about doing it? I’m assuming you vape or smoke your marijuana, but I may be wrong. How many puffs does it take to get you high? Also, how long from the first puff does it take you to become what you would consider to be intoxicated? How long does the high last?

And do you build up a tolerance to the THC in marijuana where it requires you to consume more of it to attain the high that you desire? If so, what do you do about it?

You’ve mentioned that you love to write. I was wondering if you ever employ handwriting on paper rather than typing on your computer or phone? Have you ever tried artistic writing such as calligraphy?


Apr 27, 2021
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Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about your drug consumption (and 2 about writing)? Well, that’s a rhetorical question, so here we go...

When you say *gets high*, how do you go about doing it? I’m assuming you vape or smoke your marijuana, but I may be wrong. How many puffs does it take to get you high? Also, how long from the first puff does it take you to become what you would consider to be intoxicated? How long does the high last?

And do you build up a tolerance to the THC in marijuana where it requires you to consume more of it to attain the high that you desire? If so, what do you do about it?

You’ve mentioned that you love to write. I was wondering if you ever employ handwriting on paper rather than typing on your computer or phone? Have you ever tried artistic writing such as calligraphy?
I used to do cursive writing as a kid, because it was faster. I only wrote maybe a handful of stories and maybe like one halfass poem. One was about this Batman like super hero called the Blue Baron and I wrote sequel to Ghostbusters 2... which was arguably better than 2, 3, and now 4. D:

Yikes I wish they'd stop.

It's like... give it a rest. They're just beating a dead franchise at this point.

I don't think I build up a tolerance... but there is a saturation limit. Like if I eat edibles anything of 100 mg at once is just wasting money.

Vaping produces very short range hits.

You can usually feel the effects within 15 to 20 seconds and the high will last about 5 to 10 minutes and then it wears off pretty quick, usually lasting about 2 hours or so... by after 10 minutes you'll only feel a light buzz so it's easy to do other stuff.

It only really takes one deep toke, but keep in mind I vape like the strongest shit they make.

As for how many... it varies, and it's easy to be stupid wasteful.

I really like the feel of the zippo vape in my hand, makes me feel like Mark Twain holding a pipe.

So because of that I'll sometimes take an additional toke, not because it's really doing anything for me, but just as a matter of performance as "the storyteller".

It's wasteful, but enjoy the allusion.

Oh, I put that whole bit up on WattPad...

Ish good stuff just on its own.


Apr 27, 2021
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Oh shi- I just remembered... a wrote a "true sequel" to Pet Cemetery and it was scary as FUCK!

Like there's this one scene where the main protagonist runs out into this open field with a giant tree and this zombie bear is chasing after him and he starts climbing up the tree and then in the story it describes the camera zooming straight up from the tree and the further it zooms out the more you see what it really looks like, which is the tree is like a giant eye ball and then you see that the earthquake fault lines create this killing grin broken into the landscape.

So then the end of the book is like the land itself is actually a zombie "Old One" and that's why burying stuff into it would cause them to come back to life.

Oh and also after the earthquake the "rules" change so like, you no longer have to bury anyone, so like if you accidently die, you get right back up like you're alive, but you don't realize it's like being bit by an ethereal zombie vampire and you slowly turn into the psychotic living dead.


No, srsly!

I should try and find what I did with that.


Gay man
May 13, 2020
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I used to do cursive writing as a kid, because it was faster. I only wrote maybe a handful of stories and maybe like one halfass poem. One was about this Batman like super hero called the Blue Baron and I wrote sequel to Ghostbusters 2... which was arguably better than 2, 3, and now 4. D:

Yikes I wish they'd stop.

It's like... give it a rest. They're just beating a dead franchise at this point.

I don't think I build up a tolerance... but there is a saturation limit. Like if I eat edibles anything of 100 mg at once is just wasting money.

Vaping produces very short range hits.

You can usually feel the effects within 15 to 20 seconds and the high will last about 5 to 10 minutes and then it wears off pretty quick, usually lasting about 2 hours or so... by after 10 minutes you'll only feel a light buzz so it's easy to do other stuff.

It only really takes one deep toke, but keep in mind I vape like the strongest shit they make.

As for how many... it varies, and it's easy to be stupid wasteful.

I really like the feel of the zippo vape in my hand, makes me feel like Mark Twain holding a pipe.

So because of that I'll sometimes take an additional toke, not because it's really doing anything for me, but just as a matter of performance as "the storyteller".

It's wasteful, but enjoy the allusion.

Oh, I put that whole bit up on WattPad...

Ish good stuff just on its own.
Thank you for your reply. 1 other weedy question:

Can you get TOO high? I’ve heard that you can’t OD with marijuana, but is there a point where consuming more of it results in an unpleasant experience for you?


Apr 27, 2021
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Thank you for your reply. 1 other weedy question:

Can you get TOO high? I’ve heard that you can’t OD with marijuana, but is there a point where consuming more of it results in an unpleasant experience for you?
No, like I said, it just reaches a saturation point and you can't go further than that. It's like a ceiling and if you try and go beyond it you're just throwing money away.

At least for me.

Keep in mind that everyone has their own personal experiences.
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