Call Me Tim

Jun 19, 2020
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God damn it, now I have to deal with even more niggers?
Generally the states with the largest black populations side with bebe killin. The states which are opposed to bebe killin' and have a high percentage of black population like Mississippi, the overall population for the state is small.

Florida is 11th and that's the first red state which it might make an impact. However, abortions in southern red states are not as high as in northern blue states because bebe=monay.

Again except for Florida

Call Me Tim

Jun 19, 2020
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But, like @minty said, overturning Roe v. Wade just kicks it back to the state legislature.

Somehow Row v Wade a case in which a woman lied about being raped and wanted to have an abortion somehow was twisted into something that a "woman's privacy is paramount, so she can do whatever the fuck she wants," is completely illogical. This was also the day which female supremacy started in the US. Roe v Wade literally backed a woman's lies over the truth and implied that investigating the claims or now even suggesting to investigate was and is an intrusion to her right to privacy.


Super Jew Ginsberg was dismayed in the method which bebe killin' was made legal not the actual act itself. Because "she" knew it was paper thin at best and wouldn't hold up under honest legal scrutiny. "She" hoped the ruling would "buy time" for the state and federal government to pass something far more concrete, like legislation allowing the abhorrent action. But, this dead retard, overestimated the progressives and liberals, and ironically, it took a threat of righteously overturning Roe v Wade to get the faggots and cunts off their lazy and stupid asses. So again, ironically, problem solved, or more accurately kicked down the road once again to be argued in SCOTUS on whether or not a fetus, a potential human being, has the same rights as human being, in other words when does human life begin -- after the bebe batter meets the egg, or when the bebe is birthed, as so eloquently described by liberal/progressive women, "having to screamingly shit out a watermelon/bowling ball/sack of potatoes, etc."


bunny shaman
Aug 9, 2021
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This was also the day which female supremacy started in the US.
getting maced at the bar when you pull up on a broad wearing your maga hat isn't female supremacy

if one were to decide to open an abortion clinic in his garage how much would you think one would charge per procedure, asking for a friend
planned parenthood charges on a sliding scale which is income based
also you may wanna get your hands on sugar pills. you can tell someone they're plan b pills n charge for those, then when they fail you got a repeat customer cuz they're only 75% effective


14 cats in a trenchcoat
Aug 1, 2021
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getting maced at the bar when you pull up on a broad wearing your maga hat isn't female supremacy

planned parenthood charges on a sliding scale which is income based
also you may wanna get your hands on sugar pills. you can tell someone they're plan b pills n charge for those, then when they fail you got a repeat customer cuz they're only 75% effective
Florists may see a boom in sales of pennyroyal
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